Chapter 18

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*Yoongi POV*
I sit at home staring at my phones screen waiting for a message from Jimin but I know we agreed on not messaging each other and no interacting with each other for a few days. I heard Jin is planning something and Jimin and I are not allowed to know what it is. The car dealership calls me and lets me know that I can come and pick up my car. I get a taxi there.

"Hello sir, here is your car" he says and opens the door for me. It's not a nice car but it's just for me to get around in so it doesn't really matter. The car has that nice new car smell but I know it will be different soon after I spend the night drinking and passing out on the hood of my car under the stars. In fact I plan to that tonight, thankfully it's the afternoon so I have the rest of the day to find a place to park my car. I drive around the camping ground trying find a good private spot. Along the the way I pass many many families and couples who are smiling and having fun. I park far away from them hoping another person won't come up to this spot. The drinking begins, I only drink beer this time and I'm not rushing it. I just want to relax and get away from the world for just a moment.

*Jin POV*
We had all been planning a special wedding since we heard that they decided to take a break from each other. 

"Jungkook and Tae, find a place for the wedding. Namjoon and I are decorating. The rest of you are finding finding people they know and inviting them to the wedding" I say. They nod and start going to find what I asked them to find.

"Joonie! I think we should do an all neutral color scheme for their wedding" I say excitedly.

"What about we include some reds? It would probably suit Yoongi." He says.

"Oh... because he kills. That would bring back memories for Jimin so how about no" I say.

"That's not what I meant." He says.

"Then what did you mean"

"It would be fun and yeah... I don't know. Stop looking at me like I'm weird" he says giving me a little push on the arm.

"No red okay. Yes it sounds like a good idea but no." I say kinda sassy.

"Since when did you become so sassy" he laughs.

"Since I met you. Anyway I think... stop laughing!" I say trying not to laugh as well. 

"Okay, fine. We have to be serious now. So no red. All neutral colors" He says, I nod. We create a list and start orders the things, thankfully he has the same day delivery.

"Ha, I won. I got all the invitations sent before you guys did!" Jackson says cheering. 

"'s not a competition. It's like having my own adult child" I say. They laugh and continue doing their own things that I asked them to do. 

"Jin we-they need a splash of color in their wedding" Namjoon says.

"We?" I say.

"I should've done this sooner..." He says getting down off the couch and onto one knee.

"What's going on? Guys?" I say getting slightly excited.

"Kim Seokjin...Will you marry me" He asks. He is blushing so hard right now.

"Oh my gosh... YES! YES! YES!" I say jumping up and down. He smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen him do. He puts the ring on my finger then stands up and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he rests his hands on my waist.

"Alright, you two break it up" Jungkook says. I blush and look down at the ground. 

We settle on the color blue, it's a light blue but still kinda like a navy blue. We got the place reserved. The next thing we need to do is get Yoongi to send us what size he is in a suit and what colors look best on him. 

It took forever to a reply but we got it, the same with Jimin. Jimin is going to wear a white suit. Jimin kept asking questions but Yoongi only waited two hours to reply and his text didn't make any sense. I think he might be drunk. 

*Jimin POV*

I sit on my hotel bed texting Jin who wants me to wear a white suit on the day Yoongi meet up again.

Jin: Can you send me your suit measurements?


Jimin: Why

Jin: I just want to give you a surprise, come on send it to me.

Jimin: What surprise, should I be scared?

We text back and forth the longest time then eventually I give them to him. I am really confused as to why he wanted them. I lay down and stare at the ceiling, I miss Yoongi. I want to see him as soon as possible thankfully the day after tomorrow is the day we meet up and see each other. I am still worried that he might find out what I did that night when I went out. I will tell him I was drunk and lost to a game of how many shots can you drink.

I put my pajamas on and put my head on the pillow. I fall asleep not long after, I was happy to be sleeping. It was my escape where I could see Yoongi in my dreams. The rest of the night as I dream I float over my memories of us together and it makes me happy, sadness is something I cant have right now. The rest I don't remember.

I wake a few minutes past ten O' clock. I roll over expecting to see Yoongi's smiling face next to me but he wasn't, I had forgotten.

*Yoongi POV*

I wake up on the hood of my car as I expected but I wasn't alone, there wasn't anyone sleeping with me but there was a few kids staring at me.

"What do you want" I snap, but they don't budge they just stand there.

"I saw you on the news!!" one of the kids says.

"Do your parents know where you are?" I ask as I get off the hod of my car so I can stand in front of them. An adult women walks past me and goes to the three kids.

"Are they yours?" I ask.

"Yes, and I would like you to stay away from them" She snaps.

"Hey, women, they came to me while I was passed out on the hood of my car. Keep that in mind" I say. She leads her kids away from me while keeping an eye on me. I wave with a friendly smile until he turns the corner and disappears. Tomorrow I get to see Jimin again and I'm really excited. I get in my car and drive down the gravel road passing many families who hid in their tent when they heard I was here. 

I arrive at my house and the suit that Jin wanted me to wear is hanging on my door. I take it down and go inside to try it on because I know Jin will want me to try it on and tell him that I wore it. I put it on and to be honest I look really good. I let Jin know that I tired it on and that it fits.

*Jimin POV*

There's a knock on my hotel door so I get up and answer it, one of the hotel staff is standing there holding a white suit. I take it from him and avoid all the questions he was going to ask. I lay it on the bed and stare at it wondering why he wanted me to wear it. I give up trying to think of why so I try it on, it fits me perfectly.

The rest of the day flies by but still feels like each second is an eternity.

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