Chapter 29

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Jin came by and picked up Hyunwoo along with a few of his things. Jimin and I finished packing then locked all the windows and doors.

"I'm so excited to go back to Busan!" He says excitedly.

"I can tell" I laugh. We didn't settle on a time of how long we were going to be there for so we packed a lot of our clothes. We got on the train and sat down, the morning train was usually empty so that was nice. A few people who were on the train all night got off or stayed on. Jimin taught me how to talk with the Busan dialect. It was so manly and fun to do. Jimin was tired so I let him sleep on my shoulder, a few people gave us judging looks and others smiled.

"Jimin-ah wake up" I say shaking him. We get off and get a taxi to the hotel. It had a colorful lounge and a bar. There was a pool with an outdoor eating area. To get to the beach you had to cross the street and you were there. We walked up to the front desk to get our room key.

"Welcome! What are your names?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"Min Yoongi and Park Jimin" I say. She looks on her computer for a moment then hands us the room key.

"Room 302" She says. I bow then Jimin and I take the elevator up to the third floor. Jimin didn't want to do anything today so we just stayed in the hotel for the day.

The next day we went to the beach and went swimming. Jimin was really hot with no shirt, wet hair and swim trunks. I was trying so hard not to kiss him.

"Yoongi take off your shirt" Jimin says as he lays down on the towel. I sigh and take off my shirt. group of girls walk by and see us talking.

"Hey, looking for some fun?" One girl says twisting her hair.

"We're good" I say standing up, I was getting tired of laying down for once in my life. I stepped out of the shade casted by the umbrella and stretched my arms. The girls looked up and down at my body for a moment then ran.

"That made me happy" I say helping Jimin up. We walk down to the water then Jimin pushes me in. I fall into the shallow water then get up and run further into the water. Jimin chases after me laughing. I push my hair back to get it out of the way. Jimin kisses me and tells me I look sexy with my hair back.

I kiss him then he puts his hands on my shoulders, he pushed me under the water

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I kiss him then he puts his hands on my shoulders, he pushed me under the water. I reach out of the water and grab his swim trunks. He grabs my hand and goes under. My eyes opened for a second then I remembered that this is salt water and closed my eyes. They stung so I stood up. Jimin stood up and laughed.

"I opened my eyes under the water" I laugh rubbing them. He laughs at me so I push him and he falls into the water again. I opened my eyes after a few more minutes of keeping them closed.

"I know this a thing children do but do want to see how long we can hold our breath for underwater?" Jimin asks.

"I'm going to win" I say. He counts to three then we both go under water.

*Jimin POV*
I am not good at holding my breath for long periods of time so I was only under for a few seconds then came back up. Yoongi was still under and I was beginning to think he died so I reached under the water and pulled him up. It had been a few minutes.

"Ha! I won!" He says proudly.

"You were under for a few minutes I thought you died" I laugh.

"I'm good at holding my breath" he says smiling.

"Have you been practicing?!" I laugh pushing him a little.

"Nope, just good at holding my breath. When I was younger I could hold my breath for five minutes" he says proudly.

"Really?" I say with disbelief.

"Yep" he says before jumping on top of me and kissing me under the water. After a short while we stand up again.

"We are in public Yoongi" I whine cutely.

"Come on let's go back to the hotel for lunch" he says smiling. We walk back up to the beach and walk around the children playing and building sand castles.

At the hotel Yoongi orders for me while I go to the bathroom. I came back and sat down at the bar with him. We sat sipping our beers for a while then our ramen was served.

"I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw this" Yoongi says taking a bite of his food.

We finish eating then go back up to the room. As soon as I close the door Yoongi pushes me into the wall and kisses me. I kiss him back. We stand kissing for a few moments then Yoongi stops.

"What was that?" I ask blushing.

"You were so hot at the beach.... even now. I couldn't resist myself" he says. He kisses me again. We sit on the porch of the room and watch as the sun goes down.

Sorry it took so long to update my wifi crashed.

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