Chapter 19

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The wedding is in place and now all that needs to happen Yoongi's friends need to get the two lovers to the same spot without hinting about the wedding.

*Jin's POV*

I call Yoongi and let him know that today is the day they will reunite, Oh I'm so excited for this, I have been waiting. I try to convince to wear the suit that we sent him and that also the hardest thing I have ever done. He eventually gives in and I get really excited. He has no idea whats going to happen, he just thinks I want him to wear a nice suit for their meet up. He told me that he tried it on earlier yesterday so I thought I wouldn't have to convince him to wear it. I arranged everything for them so that they don't have to worry.

"Jin. Are they coming?" Namjoon asks.

"Their taxis are on their way to them, I'm so excited Joonie!" I say. He hugs me for a second. My phone buzzes and on my it reads that both of them have been picked up. Jackson arrives and tells me that he has dropped of Jimin's suit case at Yoongi's house. The guests start to arrive, there was less than I thought there was going to be but enough people to make them both happy. A few ask me where Yoongi is and I tell them that he is on his way. I spot Jimin's car so I run out there and blindfold him.

"Jin, why wont you let me see where I am" He snaps, Joonie does the same with Yoongi who puts up a fight but eventually calms down. I lead him a room in the back that looks like any other room. I take his blind fold off and start styling his hair. He just sits there and lets me do my thing. I leave him in the room and go out to all the guests.

"Everyone this is very important, I need all of you to be as quiet as you possibly can. The two don't about the wedding, It's a surprise." I explain the rest then go back and blind fold Jimin. I tell him to also be silent which made him slightly angry but he got over it. He grabs onto my arm as I lead him out and into the hall, he had a death grip on my arm It thought it would pop off. Everyone turns around and looks at him. Namjoon and I take their blind folds off at the same time. They both look around very confused but then get whats going on. They both make eye contact and Jimin breaks down in tears of joy. He walks slowly up the center almost as if he was going in slow motion.

*Yoongi POV*

I watch as Jimin, who looks really fucking hot and good, walks as slow as a turtle up the center. He is so handsome it was like looking at an angel. He just kinda glowed. I have never been happier. His friends stand on one side and mine stand behind me. He stands in front of me and we both stare at each other. He was done crying but I think I was about to.

They say all the things you say at a wedding.

"I do" I say.

"I do" He says. I put my hands on his waist and he put his arms around my neck. We kiss for a few seconds then stare each other in the eyes.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you too" I whisper back. He looks so handsome close up. I love him. We walk back down the center and go into another room where Jin was waving us to. Ugh, the part I hate most about weddings... the speeches or whatever they're called. We sit in the middle and some of our friends sit on the opposite sides of us and the rest sit in the tables. The waiters give them food and drinks. I was getting a little hungry so I was glad when they set food down in front of me.

They give their speeches but I can tell Hoseok has been very excited to share his.

"Yoongi and I have been best friends since we were kids, I was his only friend but he knew people and if I wasn't there he would hangout with another person. They were also best friends but not as close as we were. Anyway I have to tell you this story. What I just told you has nothing to do with the story." He says getting some laughs.

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