t h i r t y - t h r e e

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sunday 3:47am
i couldn't sleep.

i was laying in bed with jack. he was snuggled up against me, fast asleep. meanwhile, i was staring at the ceiling, unable to do anything except think.

think about... him.

what the hell was wrong with me?

sammy broke my heart. and yet... he says and does a few nice things and i'm suddenly putty in his hands? am i that weak?

next to me, jack murmured something in his sleep and rolled over.

i sighed, tears prickling in my eyes.

sammy was such an asshole to me, then all of a sudden he acts sweet and i'm in love again.

in love? god, that's a little extreme.

i glanced over at jack's silhouette.

i was in love with jack. right?

he did cheat on you...

i frowned.

so? he apologised. he said it was an accident.

but what's to say he won't do it again?

shut up!

i huffed, grabbing my phone off the dresser and switching it on. i squinted at the bright light of my screen.

i noticed a text in my notifications.

sammy - hey... i can't stop thinking about you

he'd sent it mere minutes ago.

me - i know. me neither

sammy - can i see you? please?

i sighed. was this a good idea?

me - alright. come by jack's

sammy - be there in five

i got out of bed, grabbed a hoodie from the wardrobe, pulled it over my clothes and then slid into a pair of shoes. picking up my phone, i quietly left the room, trying not to wake jack.

i padded down the stairs and left the house. sammy's car was already waiting outside. i jogged towards the vehicle and let myself in.

i turned to sammy.

"hey. i have no idea what's wrong with me." i laughed lightly. "i can't get you out of my mind."

sammy chuckled. "neither."

"it's weird. i hated you days ago, and now..."

"and now?" he prompted me.

i shrugged. "i don't know."

"you wanna go for a drive?" sammy offered, smiling hopefully.

i nodded. i opened the window and felt the cool breeze lightly on my skin as sammy drove down the street.

we rode in silence. comfortable silence.

it was nice.

i found myself sneaking a few glances at sammy. he looked tired, prominent bags under his bloodshot eyes.

"h-have you been crying?" i asked softly, reaching a tentative hand out to stroke his cheek.

"maybe." he whispered.

"pull over." i ordered. sammy obliged and stopped at the curb.

i took his face in my hands, staring at it. faint wrinkles were starting to appear on his forehead.

"why are you so stressed?"

he sighed. "like i said, i can't stop thinking about you."

"sammy..." i trailed off, unable to think of anything to say that would comfort him.

we sat in silence, until he spoke again.

"can i kiss you?" he paused. "please?"

"sammy, we shouldn't've done that last night. i was emotional and tipsy, and i wasn't thinking-"

i was cut off by him leaning abruptly forward and pressing his lips on mine. it wasn't forceful by any means; he was gentle and slow.

i pulled back and stared at him. he hung his head slightly.


i got out of my seat and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. his eyes widened as he looked up at me. i reattached our lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. i felt his hands resting comfortably on my waist.

i leaned in, deepening the kiss by inserting my tongue. sammy tugged at my hoodie and, not breaking the kiss, i pulled it off.

i moved away and stared at him. his lips were clearly swollen and he seemed slightly out of breath.

"back seat?" he asked urgently.

"back seat."

we both clambered into the back, where i lay down on the comfortable seats and let sammy hover over me. he smirked, leaning down and placing sloppy kisses all over my neck.

he helped me pull off my pyjama shirt, leaving my top half completely exposed. sammy leaned back, swiftly pulling off his t-shirt and tossing it into the front seat.

he yanked both mine and his shorts down, which meant we were now completely naked and it was too late to turn back.

our lips met again and we kissed feverishly, almost as if we were making up for lost time.

he pulled away and his forehead was pressed against mine as he stared at me, suddenly serious.

"do you want to?"

i nodded, pulling him in for another kiss. i felt him lining up against my entrance and i braced myself. granted, it couldn't hurt as much as it did with jack, but i knew i'd still feel a little pain.

he slowly inserted himself in. every time i'd make a slight face or uncomfortable noise, he'd immediately pause and make sure i was okay.

that's when i remembered.

he thought this was my first time.

as soon as he was fully in me, he began to slowly thrust in and out, making me moan, slightly out of pain but mostly out of pleasure.


he shushed me, a smirk on his face.

"babygirl, it's daddy to you, remember?"

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