t h i r t y - t w o

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saturday 9:49am
i slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the bright light shining through the opened window.

i went to sit up, but an arm wrapped around my torso was keeping me in place. my eyes widened as i stared down at the figure before me.

sammy's head was resting on my chest, his mouth open with soft snores coming out. he was practically on top of me, and i could already tell i wouldn't be able to get up without waking him.

i stared around my old bedroom, letting out a sigh. i'd missed it an awful lot.

sammy let out a soft groan.

i gazed at him as his eyes flickered open. he stared at me, a smile forming on his face.


"hi." i replied shyly.

he lifted his head off of my chest.

"you been awake long?"

"about forty seconds." i answered truthfully, making him chuckle.

"did you want breakfast?" he offered.

"actually..." i chewed on my lip nervously. "can you drive me to jack's?"

his face dropped. "oh."

"i need to talk to him."

"if you don't mind me asking, are you going to stay with him?"

i shrugged. "i don't know. i'll at least listen to whatever bullshit excuse he's come up with."

"well, if things change, and you need a new place, y-you're welcome to move back in here." he offered softly.

i took a deep breath. "sammy, i don't know if i can live with you again. not after everything that's happened."

"i understand." he replied quietly.

"is it alright if we go now?"


we both stood up. i dusted my outfit off, frowning at the creases.

"you left some of your clothes here." sammy stated. "i-if you wanted to change."

"yeah, actually. that'd be great."

i glanced through my wardrobe, pulling out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. i went to change, then turned around to see sammy still stood there, staring at me.

"sammy." i raised my eyebrows. "can you leave, please?"

"oh! yeah, sure." he nervously replied, exiting the room.

i quickly changed, tossing my other clothes into the back of the wardrobe. i opened the door to see sammy stood there, a wide smile on his face.

"come on." he offered me his hand. i gratefully accepted and we walked downstairs together.

hopping into his car, i relaxed against the seat, leaning back. the drive to jack's didn't take long, only a few minutes.

"do you want me coming in?"

i glanced over at sammy. "i think i can handle it by myself. but if i'm not out in thirty minutes, come in, okay?"

he nodded.

i got out of the car and slowly walked up to the front door. i'd left my keys here last night, as jack and i were supposed to come home together.

i sighed, raising my fist and knocking on the door. i heard barking and then some yelling.

the door was opened and jack stuck his head out. his eyes widened when he saw me.

"ruby! d-do you wanna come in?"

i nodded, stepping inside. i gave max a gentle pat, before walking upstairs to jack's room. i sat on the bed. he stared at me.

"i'm waiting." i stated simply.

"well, i-i'm sorry." he began. "it shouldn't've happened. i don't know why it happened. i was just waiting in the hallway for you, then this girl approached me. she asked if i wanted to see johnson's room, but i told her that because i'm his best friend, i've seen it dozens of times."

i rolled my eyes.

"then she kept asking so i was like whatever and just followed her in there. then she started taking her clothes off and kissing me-"

i raised my hands up, cutting him off.

"i don't need to hear that part." i snapped.

"look, i feel awful."

"it's probably just your hangover." i replied, scowling.

he frowned. "seriously, ruby. i shouldn't've done it. i feel terrible for doing that to you."

he looked so ashamed and upset.

i stood up, stepping closer to him and placing my hands on his shoulders.

"you fucked up. but..." i sighed. "if you say it won't happen again, then i'll stay."

his face lit up.

"it won't happen again. it won't happen again, i swear!" he exclaimed, pulling me in and smacking his lips onto mine.

i chuckled, gently pushing him away.

"i gotta go tell sammy everything's okay. be right back." i went to leave the room, but jack grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"wait, sammy?"

"yeah, sammy. i spent the night at his."

his eyebrows raised and his nostrils flared angrily.

"we didn't do anything, don't worry." i hastily stated. "he was just there for me."

jack huffed. "fine. go say goodbye."

i left the room and jogged downstairs. i made my way outside to see sammy sat in his car, glancing at his watch.

"hey." i smiled half-heartedly, resting my arms on the open window and peeking my head through.

"hey! how'd it go? are you moving out?"

i shook my head and his face dropped. he looked disappointed.

"everything's fine now." i told him. "thankyou for last night."

he smiled sincerely. "anytime, sweetheart."

i felt my cheeks flush at the pet name. 

"i... i miss you." sammy muttered.

i sighed, running a hand through my hair. "i'll talk to you later, yeah?"

he frowned. "yeah."

and with that, i stepped back and he drove off. i watched him go, arms folded.

but all i wanted to was sprint after the car, screaming like a mad man until i got his attention. all i wanted was for him to hold me again, with that smile, and then kiss me, like he used to.

"i miss you too." i whispered.

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