BTS REACTION || You Loving Them Back

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A/N: My last reaction was 'You Rejecting Them', so not wanting you guys to be gloomy after reading that, I decided to do a reverse reaction where you accept their love and happen to love them back. You're welcome ^ㅅ^

J-Hope: The apple of his cheeks would be so prominent when he'd be smiling at you. "I love you too Hoseok." He'd end up tearing as you fold into his arms. You'd look up at him and you'd share a soft and promising kiss. Pulling away he'd say, "I promise you love you and keep you smiling."

Jimin: He'd be so happy that'd he'd think he might have misheard something. So he'd ask you to say it again and you would to only then be attacked by two strong arms. He'd hold onto you so tightly that you'd have to tell him to loosen up because it was getting difficult for you to breath.

Jin: A feeling of warmth and accomplishment would take over his body. Taking your hand in his, he'd say "Then would this make us a couple?" You'd smile and tease, "I don't know you still haven't asked me anything about that."
"Agh!" He'd groan in both annoyance and amusement and then asked, "Will you be mine?"

Jungkook: His cheeks would blush lightly as a few chuckles would come out. Not waiting any longer, he's pull you into a kiss, only to break it and spin you above the ground in circles of happiness.

Rap Monster:Him dimple would show as he'd look away from you and smile to himself. "I know that I'm sort of a clumsy person and I tend to break things but I promise your heart won't be one." Laughing, you'd fold into the arms of your lover.

Suga: His eyes would be softly looking at you and a small smile would break through his lips. Placing his hand on the side of your face, he'd gently press his lips on yours and long the kiss there to let it linger long enough.

V: Like Jimin, Taehyung would attack you with a bear hug and pepper you with kisses. You'd gladly accept his hug and give him a kiss. Taking a step back, he'd clear and throat and hold his hand out and ask, "Is this an appropriate time to ask if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

I'm not happy with this reaction, it's a bit crappy :/
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See ya ✌︎
~ayushisushi スシ

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