"Bud, you're thinking too much. Everything is going to be ok. I've seen what the fans are saying Ni, they love the album. These interviews are going to tell you the same thing. Everything is going to be ok. I'll be with you the whole time. You just need to relax." He nodded and took a breath.

"Let's go." You got out of the car and followed him into the building where you were met by several of his agents.

"There's the man of the hour! Niall man, how you feeling?" his agent patted his back. It was like that question was enough to set Niall off. He swallowed hard before answering. No one else seemed to notice but you did.

"I'm great," he managed to say. "Yeah, feeling good." He was lying. You knew he was lying, but you didn't know why.

"Good man. We've got three interviews for you today two radio and one live. You'll have short breaks in between all of them. Everyone is loving the album mate." You saw it again, Niall swallowed hard before forcing a smile and nodded. "Alright man if you need anything you know where we are." He nodded again. You took his hand and squeezed it. You walked off to his first of two radio interviews. You sat behind Niall as he talked to the man. He was fidgety and visibly uncomfortable. He kept shifting in his seat. He looked back at you at one point and you could tell something was off.

When the interview was over he stood up very quickly and walked out of the room. You stood up and followed him. He hadn't said anything to you and that was odd. He walked into the bathroom and without thinking twice you walked in after him. He was standing over the sink splashing water on his face.

"Ni?" you called out to him. He stared at himself in the mirror.

"I feel sick," he muttered. You were both shocked and a little confused. You knew he was nervous but he never got this nervous. You walked up next to him and rubbed his back.

"What's wrong buddy?" you asked softly.

"I don't know. Nerves I guess." You knew Niall. You two had been together for years. You were very familiar with his nerves. You knew there were other members of the band that would work themselves up sick but that was never Niall. You rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" you asked him carefully. He shook his head.

"I feel really sick but I don't think I'm going to throw up," he told you.

"Do you think you're ok to leave?" You asked him. He took a deep breath.

"I think so, it's starting to pass." He stood up straight and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm ok," he breathed out.

"Alright Nialler." You took his hand and you both walked out of the bathroom and straight into the room the next interview was being held. It was the same thing as the last. The man asked Niall questions about the album he answered them and cracked a few jokes. Towards the end of that interview he started acting strangely again. He started to fidget again and you figured it was his stomach acting up. You were very worried at this point. This wasn't like Niall at all. After the interview was over you stood up to meet him before he could walk past you again.

"Don't feel good," he muttered before leaving the room. You wasted no time following him. He walked back into the bathroom but this time he knelt down in a stall. Was he really feeling that poorly? You knelt down behind him and ran your figures through his hair. He gagged a little before groaning and holding his stomach. You were even more worried now.

"Niall what's gotten into you? You never get nerves like this," you sighed. He shook his head before gagging again. "Take it easy buddy. You're ok." He retched as his stomach sent up his breakfast from that morning. You rubbed his back as he was sick several times. You desperately wanted to know what was going on with your boyfriend. This was so out of character for him something had to be wrong. When he was done he flushed the toilet and leaned up against the wall.

"Sorry," he sighed.

"What's going on with you Niall?" you asked again.

"Gotta be these nerves." You shook your head.

"No, I know your nerves and I know this is not what happens to you."

"Harry use to throw up when he got nervous. It's not unheard of."

"I know that but you aren't Harry. You've never gotten nervous like this."

"Don't know what else it could be," he shrugged.

"Are you ok now?" you asked.

"I think so." He started to stand and you followed.

"Just one more interview Nialler," you reassured him. He nodded. This one was filmed. You prayed he could make it through that one. He seemed fine at the start but just like the other he started to show sighs he wasn't feeling too well again. He looked over at you with wide eyes. Your heart broke. There was nothing you could do for him. He put his hand on his stomach and rubbed it softly trying not to draw too much attention to it. Thankfully it wasn't long the interview was over. This time was different when he walked over to you.

"Y/N," he whimpered. His eyes started to fill with tears.

"What's wrong baby?" you asked putting your hands on his shoulder. He shook his head as tears started to leave his eyes. "Niall," you cooed. He put his head on your shoulder and started to cry.

"I don't feel good," he cried.

"I'm taking you home Niall. We're leaving." Without another word you lead him out and back to the car. He got in still in tears and you got in the drivers seat and started the car. You held his hand the whole way home. You couldn't figure it out the interviews were over and he was still feeling this sick. When you got home he rushed inside only to find himself on the bathroom floor again. He gagged and heaved into the toilet leaving you feeling helpless.

"I feel terrible Y/N," he whimpered.

"I know baby. It'll be over soon," you soothed. He finished throwing up and leaned back onto you. You ran your hand through his hair but stopped when you felt heat coming off his head. "Niall!" You put your hand on his forehead. "Sweetie you've got a fever." His eyes shot open and he looked up at you.

"What?" You wanted to take his temperature to be sure but you were certain he had a fever.

"That explains everything!" You exclaimed. "Niall I knew this wasn't nerves you never get like this from nerves. You've been sick all this time." Niall groaned.

"That just means I'm not going to feel better anytime soon." You chuckled a little.

"No but it sure does explain everything doesn't it? Don't worry Ni I'll take care of you. Come on how about I get you in bed?"

"That sounds great," he groaned. You helped him up and into bed. You his temperature and sure enough his temp was 102.5. You stayed by his side for the next two days until he was back on his feet. By then he wasn't nervous about anything because Flicker was stilling at the top of the charts all over the world. You kissed his cheek when you got the news.

"I told you they'd love it."

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