i never knew

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I didn't know Keith was like this, I didn't think Keith could be like this. I thought he was different, but he's just like everyone else. Are you an idiot, Lance?! This is just like last time, you'll never learn.

It was late, and I was on a Galra ship cruiser, trying to contact my boyfriend, Lotor.

"Lotor, please! I'm sorry and I'll do everything I can to change myself for you, please just forgive me!" I yelled into my phone.

"Sorry, babe. What's done is done, and I already have someone who's taken your place," I heard a girl's voice murmuring quietly behind his.

My heart broke. I had disobeyed him and now look where I am. Thrown off of his ship into space .

It all started earlier, and I had walked in on him and this girl. I had completely lost it, throwing everything in sight, I was broken. He screamed at me, telling me to stop, but I didn't.

Now it's happening again, I'm a complete screw up, who can't do anything right, and if I were Keith, I would leave myself, too.

I had no idea where I was going, I just wanted to be alone. I had decided the space mall would be nice, just to get away from everything. My small, private ship was ready for me 24/7, so I headed back towards the castle.

Once I got in, I thought of Keith again. Why did he try to stop me? He doesn't love me, who could? I took off, and the cool, black darkness of the galaxy calmed me down. The mall was just a few planets over, so it was a short trip.

The mall wasn't that crowded, thankfully, so I went to the food court since it's always crowded there. Of course, I had no idea what, or who, really, I would see there.

My ex-boyfriend, Prince Lotor. He ran up to me and opened his arms wide.

"Baaabe! I've missed you so much, where the hell have you been?" He exclaimed.

"None of your business, can you just leave me alone?" Who would've thought that the mall was now the last place I currently wanted to be.

After a while of him following, we finally began to talk. I told him about my life, my family, and Keith.

My Prince (Altean!LanceXGalra!Keith)Where stories live. Discover now