I bet you figured out what option I chose, and let me tell you, I was regretting it the second she opened her mouth. I realized in order to do what needed to be done, I needed some form of backup in whatever shape it came in. It was just my luck the only person with enough capabilities to keep up with me just happened to be my ex-fiancée.

"Are you done yet?"

"I swear, sometimes I mistake you for a five year old and not a twenty-five year old."

I slide the laptop into her lap before checking my handgun as I slide it into my waistband.

"What's this?"

"You wanted a plan, there it is. You watch the cameras and make sure my ass is covered. I'll be in and out in twenty minutes tops."

"You're going in alone? That's your big idea!?"

I pull my shirt over my hidden weapon, adjusting it to make it appear normal, before looking at her with a blank expression.


"Sometimes I question your intelligence."

"At least we have that in common. Now, watch the cameras and give me a call if I need to get out."

I go to open the door, but she stops me. She opens her glove compartment and hands me what looks like a broken earbud.

"What's this?"

"Again, questioning your intelligence."

"Alright, smartass-"

"It's an earpiece. Put it on, I'll be your eyes in the sky."

Okay, so maybe she isn't useless.

I put the earpiece in my ear and turn the volume up only to be greeted with loud feedback.


I quickly pull the earpiece out and throw it, hitting the windshield.


Lauren picks it up and hands it to me with an amused smirk on her face.

"I thought you were smart?"

"I'm so close to kicking your ass, I swear to God-"

"Don't turn it on when the receiver is literally right next to it. Dumbass."

Rolling my eyes I climb out of the car, slipping the earpiece back into my ear and making my way into what could very well be, my death.


"'Oh don't worry Lauren, I'll be out twenty minutes tops.'"

Panting and out of breath, I duck behind the corner at the end of the hallway, peeking out to see where the guards are running towards.

"It hasn't even been five minutes, Alyson. What the hell!?"

The guards come barreling down the hallway, so I make a rash decision to duck into the first door I see. Quietly shutting it behind me, I lean against it listening to the retreating footsteps.

"Are you dead yet? I could really go for a burrito right about now."

I flick the lights on, noticing I happened to take refuge in a small office.


I walk towards the desk, pulling open each drawer and flicking through each file to find who the owner is. As I shut the final drawer, I make my way towards the lone filing cabinet.

Secret AffectionWhere stories live. Discover now