Your Smile Is Giving Me Heart Attack

Start from the beginning

"Tell your mom, I can't. I have plan to do with Sun and Inn!" I said try to refuse his order. I didn't like how he called me deaf. I didn't like his attitude toward me. I didn't like the way he treated me. Even though he never bullied me again, but he never treat me better.

He called his mother and talked for a while before he gave me his phone. I took his phone and talked to his mother. She insist me to come with her son. If not, she will ask the head master to punish me. Damn. Why this happened to me? With heavy heart, I came in to his car. I sat on the passenger seat.

"So, this is gonna be you and me only. Like a date" I heard Sun teased Inn.

"Copper, I come with you!" Inn spoke to Copper.

"My mom wants to meet Oh, not you. You go with Sun!" Inn gave him pleaded look. He begged to come with us, me and Copper. Sun grabbed his hand and forced him away.

I felt Copper leaned his body near me. He raised his hand like he wanted to cuddle me?

"What are you doing?" He stopped his hand in the air.

"Your seat bell"

"I can do it myself!"


Here I am. In living room with Copper's father. We are so awkward to each other. No. It was me who felt so awkward. I didn't know what to do. I just stayed still. He scanned me from head to toe. His gaze made me felt like I am a naked boy in front of him. It felt so weird.

Copper in his room, I guessed. And his mother in the kitched cooked something for me to eat. Homade foods. I liked it. Stop Oh, it wasn't time to think about foods!

"So, what do you think about my son, N'Oh?" I jerked in his question. Shocked. Why he is asking me this question?

"You can tell me honestly, Nong!"

"Honestly, uncle?" He nodded and smiled at me. I was thinking for a while about told him the truth or not. So, at the end I told him everything. I meant everything is everything. I told him about how his son bullied me before and how he treated me until now.

"I am sorry, uncle. I don't mean to make your son look bad"

"Don't worry. It is fine" he smiled. His wife came and sat beside him. She smiled at me. Her husband whispered something to her that made her smile even got bigger.

"I like you, Nong!" What?! What the hell this old man is talking about?

"See, I told you. You will like him, honey" What they are talking about? What the hell is it about liking me or not? I'm so confuse here. Anyone, help me?

Copper's mother asked me to call Copper in his room. She told me where and which one Copper's room is. I walked to the second floor to find his room. I knocked for several times but no answer. I tried to open the door handle. It was open. I walked in and called his name but still no answer. I looked around. His room look really nice and clean. White is dominant color in his room. It felt so nice to me. It was different from what I thought about his room.

"What are you doing?" I saw him went out from bathroom. Thanks God, he was wearing bathing suit but I could see his bare chest that didn't cover properly. I felt so hot. I turned my body, not to face him. I didn't want he saw me blushed. It was embarassing.

"Your mom asked me to call you

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"Your mom asked me to call you. She said dinner is ready!" I said and tried to walk out from his room. He grabbed my hand and my body thud his body. Our face about an inch. I could feel his warm breath on my face. He looked at my eyes. I could felt my body was burning. I felt so hot in entire my body. He grinned. I thought he grinned because of stupid face that I made. I didn't care. I just hoped he stopped smiling. I wished he stopped grinning. I wasn't use to face that face he made. It was way too handsome for me to handle.

Please, Copper. Stop smiling. Your smile makes my heart races. I think I'm gonna have heart attack because of your smile.

"I think you should have shower and change because you smell so bad right now, Oh!" he said at me with low tone voice. Sexy.


What Copper's said at the last this chapter makes me scream!
Omg, he is such a teaser 😆
I need more about CopperxOh moment!!!

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