Chapter 8: Equals

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-Dedicated to @lacuna_meraki for her comments and support! <3-

My head was bent so when I opened my eyes and my blurry vision disappeared, first thing I saw was my maple leaf tattoo. Maybe a Sundaze Blaze would've been more symbolic. Gina was right it kind of does look like it's on my boob. I thanked the universe for my small boobs for the millionth time. No that is not sarcasm. There are literally some girls who don't want annoying shit that bounces when you run. I just loved that girl from "Now and Then" who taped her boobs to make them look flat. 

Ew why the fuck is my first thought of the day about my boobs. Christina Ricci's movies though. I wonder how Gina is. Fiona, I was glad I could finally think of her without feeling like my whole world is falling part. Even though that had been what I longed for, I felt guilty for feeling this way. It hasn't even been a month. I was still afraid to be alone, I felt like it would all come crashing down on me once again.

I groaned sitting up on Pontiac's roof. Slowly realizing who I was with and where we were. I couldn't see Riley on the van. I started banging the Pontiac's roof in an attempt to wake Jordan up.

"What the fuck." I could hear him yell from below. "Who the.." he shouted getting off the car. I rolled my eyes. He stared at me while rubbing his eyes, trying to figure out whats going on. Simon got off the van groaning. Jordan's yelling had woken him up.

"Where is Riley?" I questioned, rhetorically, because I did not expect an answer.

"Who? " Simon asked with his eyes still half opened and jaw still dropped. He was still half asleep.

"What time is it?" Riley questioned walking towards us. I stared at her for a moment longer than I was supposed to and "7:05 am" I answered, checking my watch.

"I went for a walk" said Riley keeping one hand on the pontiac.

I jumped off the car and leaned against it. I stole a glance at Riley, well, she saw. I noticed she was chewing gum.

She smiled. "Sorry last one" she replied as if she was reading my mind.

"We can't keep driving around with the stuff, we need to get rid of it" Jordan stated.

"You mean the junk." I said grinning. Although no one else even smiled.

"Get it? Like junkies?" I asked. I just got silence and blank expressions. Awkward.

"Nevermind" I mumbled.

"What? Was that supposed to be a pun? It's actually called that " said Jordan, now smiling.

Great! I thought I made a fool of myself in front of Riley. I scratched the back of my head thinking, I should have remained an introvert.

I saw Riley grinning from the corner of my eye.

"Let's set them on fire" Simon suggested.

"We are on top of a hill, the smoke will call for attention" Jordan replied.

"Let's set it on fire and leave" Simon answered.

"Don't you see the dry grass and shrubs around, hell those trees! We can't risk starting a forest fire." Riley objected. She is so impressive.

"Dump them in a river" he suggested.

"One, I don't see a river. Two, we are not polluting the waterways period" I objected. Riley smiled.

"You environmental activists decide then" yelled Simon.

We all remained silent.

"We can go to the cops" Simon suggested again.

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