Chapter 22 : The king and queen of the Storm lands III

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Gendry POV

Year 304 AC

We mine lots of dragon glass and then we parted north, king Aegon and queen Daenerys, let us out of the island, as we need it to north, as the dead were coming to kill us all, we didn't have much time, it took us one week to arrived to Winterfell, Arya has gone to the storm lands with the lords and Sansa has gone to the Vale, as soon as we arrived, we started to make weapons, arrows, spears, daggers, everything we could thing of, so Jon, I said, ready to be a father?. as soon as we arrived, Alys approach Jon and told him she was pregnant.

What will you call him?, asked Alys.

Robb if is a boy, said Jon, and Lyanna if is a girl.

Good names, I said.

Well, I was thinking of Eddard, Jon said, but you already took it from me.

Sorry, I said, Arya is really especial in you know what, too much wolf blood.

I believe you, Gendry, Jon said, we are brothers by marriage, the three of us, we will fight for the living and defend the north until our last breath. The north, the Vale and the Storm Lands, we will fight for our home, lets show the dead who rules in here.

And we will, Harold said, I call my wife back, time for her to learn how to shoot a bow.

I will teach my wife everything of holding a sword, Jon said, we will not fall, not even by chance, Jon said, I am king in the north and will defend my people until I breath no more.

As we will, I and Harold said.

Everyone will, said Gendry.

Is time for the great war to begin, said Jon, and for the living to win.

Kingdoms at warNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ