Chapter 21: The wolf kraken III

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Theon POV

Year 304 AC

I cant believe we failed, I said, we went here for nothing.

We knew the risks, said Gendry, now we have more enemies.

We don't, Jon said, Aegon will let us mine the Dragon glass.

Really?, said Harold.

How did you do it?, asked Gendry.

I make friends with my brother, said Jon.

Robb was your brother, I said.

He and Rickon were, Jon said, my Stark brothers as well as Sansa, Arya and Bran. Remember what I told you?.

About me being a Stark and a Greyjoy?, I said then.

Yes, Jon said, well, the same is for me, I am Stark and I am a Targaryen, I am a wolf and a dragon.

Good, I said.

I want you to send a message north, Jon said, tell them to send one hundred men here.

Why?, I asked.

I will give them to Aegon, Jon said, in appreciation of what he did for us, he's letting us mine the dragonglass,, I will lets hi have on hundred fighting men.

Well, said Gendry, lets mine the dragon glass and start making weapons to fight the Night KIng.

Lets do it, said Jon, the faster we do it the better. I have a very bad feeling.

What do you mean?, I asked.

Winter is here, Jon said.

How do you know that?, Gendry asked.

The white raven, Jon said, we are running out of time.

Then lets get started, said Harold, as you said Winter is here and the dead are coming.

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