Chapter 4: The broken lion I

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Jaime POV

Year 304 AC

I was scared, Cercei had blown up the sept of Baelor, killing thousands of people, using wildfire, it has been twenty one years since I killed Aerys and another mad monarch sits on the Iron Throne, I was scared, now, storms end was independent, pretending to be with Joffrey, now having revealed be independent of us, king Gendry Baratheon has declare war on us, Cercei was furious, asking me to commit suicide, going there and killing the boy, the womab I thought I love, is Aerys reborn, what should I do?, no matter where I go, they will hate me, rumors of a new king in the north has also beem reach, no to mention the dragons return, we were fucked, no support from anywhere, no house to help us, only the Westernlands, the others, were our enemy's and we were at a huge disadvantage, at least Cercei was.

Jaime!, said  Cercei, you will ride north and kill every Stark, do you hear me?.

What?, I said, they will kill me!.

You can contratar a un hire an assassin then, said Cercei.

No, I said, I will not do a coward act like that.

You will because I say so!, said Cercei.

Well, I will not do it, I said, I wanted to defeat Robb Stark myself but father did the coward act of breaking guest right, well, I prefare to defeat Jon Snow in the field of battle.

No, said Cercei, he will be killed on my orders.

What?, I said, you can't sent an assassin to kill the king in the north.

He is not king, said Cercei, I am the queen of seven kingdoms, I will do what I have to do.

Cercei, we have no allies, I said, you destroyed our only allie when you killed Tyrells!.

I didn't kill anyone!, said Cercei, there was just an accident.

An accident!, I screamed, you blow it up, you murder our uncle Kevan, our cousin Lancel, you use wildfire, the same I lost my honor for!.

Guards!, said Cercie, take Jaime Lannister to his rooms he can't leave  until I said so. Guards started to come, I drew widows wile and started to battle.

After I killed three guards, I run outside, where I took a horse, and started to run north, hoping king Jon Stark won't execute me.

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