Chapter 17: The falcon monarchs II

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Harold POV

Year 304 AC

The northern, vale and storm lords arrived one week later, king Jon entered with queen Alys, king Gendry with queen Arya and I entered with my queen, Sansa.

My lords, said Jon, first of all, you need to know something about me, I recently discovered that I am the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, apparently my mother had to much wolf blood and she escaped with the prince, she felt in love with him.

So Robert rebellion is based on a lie?, asked lord Mandarly, seven hells.

Well, there is only one thing we can say, said lord Glover, the king in the north!.

The king in the north!, said lord Ned Umber.

You took back Winterfell, said lord Glover, you unified the northerners and wildlings, and we don't know no king but the king in the north who's is Statk.

Your brother make a Stark, said lady Mormont, your were raised a by Eddard Stark, the most honorable man in Westeros.

And he is my father, Jon said, he will always be my father.

Good, said lady Mormont, then that is end of that discussion.

Well, Jon said, a week ago, I receive this letter, an invitation to meet king Aegon Targaryen and his wife, Daenarys Targaryen.

He married his aunt?, asked lord Mandarly, they don't learn, do they?.

They want us to kneel, Jon said, I won't do it.

Neither do I, said Gendry.

Neither will I, I said.

But we don't stand a chance if we don't united against our common enemy, Jon said, we need allies, the north, the storm lands and the vale is not enough to fight the night king., I don't want to go, but the north is my home, I have a wife to defend, I have my people to defend.

We will go then, to meet Aegon Targaryen, I said, because if the north falls, the south will follow, the north is our last stand against the army of the dead.

And we will defend it until our last man dies, said Gendry, because this is not about noble houses anymore, is about the living and the dead.

And there is only one war that matters, said Jon, the great war and it will come to us with the long night and we will fight it for a new dawn.

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