Chapter 15: The mad queen I

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Cercei POV

Year 304 AC

That bastard, he betray me!!!!!, I said to Qyburn, I want Jaime Lannister found and brought to me, alive, I will burn him myself, I will burn everyone who betray me!.

I will make sure my little birds find him, your grace, said Qyburn, don't you worry. Useless men, all men are useless. They have the guts to rebel!, against their true queen!, they will burn!, all traidors will burn to ashes, I will find tharlt bitch of Sansa and make her pay for murder my son!.

What are you looking at?, I asked a disgusting common people, burn him!.

What?, he said, as two guards, grabbed him and proceed to burn him alive with wildfire, I want everyone in this room to leave!, before I burn you all!.

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