Chapter 1: The new king in the north I

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Year 303 AC

As the rider entered castle black, I was going to the shield hall, ready to gather an army and rescue Arya, I choose family, always, when I saw the rider eyes, I froze, they were Tully's eyes, the same of lady Stark.

You really look like your father, he said then, I am Brynden Tully the uncle of Catelyn Stark, I am here to bring you this, as he passed me a parchment, I took it, it had the Stark sigil on it, I open it and read it:

I king Robb Stark declare my bastard brother Jon Snow my heir, I declare him a Stark  and king in the north and lord of Winterfell, the reason is the follow: the murder of our brothers, Bran and Rickon, our sister Sansa is now a Lannister and our sister Arya is either missing or dead.

What?, I said, I can't accept this, I can't take away what rightfully belongs to Sansa.

Well, your sister Sansa is missing as well, said Brynden Tully, but Robb choose you as his heir, so I will replace you, so you can be his heir.

I can't, I said, I am lord commander, I dont know what to do.

My family words are Family, Duty, Honor, Brynden Tully said, family is first.

But I am not a Tully, I said.

No, Brynden Tully said, but Family is always first, so what do you choose?.

I was going to asked for help to rescue Arya from the bastard of Bolton, I said.

Your sister Arya?, Brynden Tully said.

Yes, I said, supposedly she is with the bastard of Bolton.

Then go, said Brynden Tully.

He can't, said Thorne, he is a member of the Night Watch.

Not any more, said Brynden Tully, I am replacing him, I am knight.

Fine, said Thorne, get out of here lord Snow, your traidorus bastard.

Go, Jon, said Brynden Tully, go rescue your sister.

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