Chapter 7: The broken lion II

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Jaime POV

Years 303 AC

So what happens to me?, I asked.

I should remove your head, said Jon Stark, but I can't do that, so if you want us to trust you, you will free Riverrum and give it to his rightfull lord.

What?, said Arya, your aren't serious right?.

We need to free Riverrum from the clutches of the Freys, said Jon Stark, that is my deal, also, I want you to bring me the head of Walder Frey.

How will I do that?, I asked.

When the king and queen of the Vale arrived, Jon Stark said, we will see how you do it.

Fine, I said, I will do it.

First, we will take back my family home, said Jon, my home.

How do we plan to crush the Boltons, asked Gendry.

By playing Ramsay, said Theon, he loves to play, he is a sadist and will not hesitate in killing anyone who is closed to you, as much as we love Rickon, he is already dead, Ramsay is a mounster.

How can you say that?, asked Arya, is your fault!.

I know, Theon said, and if he dies, his death will be on me, forever, it's my fault and the venom in Balon Greyjoy words, that curse me, it took me torture to realize the mistake I made and that I choose the wrong family.

Get ready the troops, Jon Stark said, we start to march to Winterfell, the fast we took Winterfell, the fast we start to plan our strategy to fight the dead.

The dead?, I asked, what do you mean?.

Jon, said Arya Stark, what's going on?.

Is the story of what happened to me at Hardhome and why I let the wildlings south of the Wall, Jon said.

Hardhome?, asked lord Mandarly, the wildlings home?.

Not anymore, said Jon Stark, is nothing more than a ruin now, the white walkers are back, I saw them, I fought them and I killed one, I saw more than one hundred thousand  when they attack us. It was a slaughter, I manage to bring four thousand wildlings of more than ten thousand.

What?, said lord Glover, your telling me that more than six thousand died by the white walkers?.

Yes, Jon Stark said, and then became part of their army, for every dead  we have, is a soldier for them.

Seven hells, I said.

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