No Longer a Burden [14]

Start from the beginning

As I pondered on my thoughts, while sitting against the pillar. A little monkey appeared beside me.

"...aren't you, Toyotomi-san's monkey?"

"His name is Toukichi." I jumped the minute I heard that familiar voice.

To the point of grasping the pillar like a life line. Shifting my gaze toward the source, I paled.

"Just how long have you been standing there?!"

"A while." Hideyoshi...that's too vague.

"Can I sit here?" I bit my lip.

I'm not really in the mood to talk to him right now.

Maybe I should leave?

"Go ahead, I need to go back to my room so excuse-" The moment I released my death grip from the pillar.

Hideyoshi placed a hand on top of my head.

"You don't need to leave, besides I want to have a chat with you."

My throat dried.

He blocked my chance of escape!

Unable to reject it, I quietly sat back down. Staring straight at the ground. Unsure of what Hideyoshi was going to say to me.

Because honestly...he has quite a powerful presence right now. Plus he's grinning!

Grinning of all things!

I'm honestly scared of what he's going to ask.

"Um...Toyotomi-san." I started off, hesitating if I was making the right choice in asking him. "Why did you want to talk to me?"

"Well...could you tell me..." What's with the dramatic pause?

"What people do before marriage in your world?"
W h a t ?

I stared at Hideyoshi as if he was crazy.

"Yuzuki mentioned it before...that before people get married, they had to go through some things but never went into detail of it."

Maybe it's because you're trying to use them against her in leaving Shinga?!

"So could you tell me more?"

Why me?!

Was what I wanted to say, but who knows what Hideyoshi will do if I say something that isn't in his favor?

"The customs of my world?" Hideyoshi nodded, sounding eager to learn.

Suddenly I'm having flashbacks about that one day I spent teaching Yukimura and the others about technology.

But now...a talk about relationships?!

This is going to be the worst discussion I've ever had with anyone.


The next day.

I regretted ever saying a thing to Hideyoshi.

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