Chapter 5: Last Bastion.

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Above is a young Riss Len-Quéd.

Planet: Otonoliss

"Hurry up, Captain Not-so-Quick!" Roice shouts at Riss, poking fun at his captain's high school nickname: Captain Quick. "We're going to be too late to catch all the happiness out there!" He is already almost fully armored in his Cosmic Flare Trooper suit while Riss lags slightly behind.
    "And I do hope it is over by the time you exit the station”, a worried-looking Arma says as she approaches her husband. She snatches one of his hands away from its work and holds it tight, looking into his eyes. "Riss, promise me you won't do anything else foolish today; promise..."
    "I'll be fine dear. And I'll be back before Light-down. [Otonoliss's sundown; basically when the System Controllers decide to gradually dim, and eventually turn off the planet's lights.] So have Trent cook up something with lots of garlic!" He tries to smile reassuringly at her.
    She doesn't smile back, nor does the worried look leave her face; instead she only holds his hand tighter. "You know I worry about you, Riss. Be safe for me, alright?"
    "Yeah, of course. You know I will”, he replies seriously, giving her hand a quick squeeze back. His visor then pops up over his face and the rest of the C.F.T armour remotely seals around him.
    He releases her hand and, the doors behind him having opened, the conveyor belt beneath his feet carries him backwards into a launch tube. The door seals in front of him, allowing his wife's face to be seen only through a small window. She touches the glass.
    "Your husband's safe with me, ma'am!" Roice chirps up from inside his own launch tube. "I've always got his back."
    Arma does smile at that. Then, reaching over and grabbing the launch crank from the tube technician, she takes one last look at Riss. His visor has tinted already and displays the strange, characteristic face on it. His yellow 'face’ seems determined as he looks back and then nods.
    She smiles again, this time both at his never-ending pool of enthusiasm, and at the strange, life-like resemblance of the digital face to that of her husband's. Then, taking a deep breath, she pushes down the crank, launching them both into deep space outside.
    The pressure of the quick exit pops Riss's ears. He must have grunted, because Roice asks, "Are you all good, captain?" (Or at least that's what Riss thinks he said.)
    "Can't hear a thing, but apart from that I'm still ok."
    "That's pretty normal for a new guy. Just follow my lead and you'll be safe enough!" Roice replies, banking off to his left with flaps open on the arms, legs and torso. Air hisses out, directing his flight.
    Riss turns to follow, fumbling with the control pads in either hand. It isn’t that he’s never used one of these things, it’s just that he’s never had to use one in such an on-the-fly scenario. Most of the training sessions he’s done in the past were just because he lost a bet to Roice or something along those lines. This is a bit more serious.
    But just as he finds himself starting to get the hang of it, the thousands of flashing station lights around the two of them catch him off guard. They give the appearance of a so many blinking yellow and orange streaks before his eyes, almost blinding him. He squints hard in an attempt to refocus them.
     He can't even see Roice now.     
     Suddenly another vibrant orange light appears right beside him, forcing him to slam his eyes shut! The light shakes him hard! "What the blazes-! he shouts, forcing them open again.
     Boom! another light! right in front of him! An explosion of course! "WAKE UP DUMMY!!" he shouts angrily, yanking up on his arm flaps with all haste!
    Somehow he dodges the light, wincing as it passes right beneath him! "That was close!" he says, tensing.
    Whoooom! A fighter streaks by his head the moment he finally starts gaining control of the speeding suit! Fighting the controls again, he watches the fighter speed off out of the corner of his eye... It's Definitely not a Protecting Light vessel! Now it's banking back around, coming back for him! He looks wildly over his visor display. ‘Come on soldier, do something! Where are the guns on this darn thing!'
    Pow Pow Pow Pow!! The enemy’s cannons spit streams of deadly light!
    Thud! Clang! 'That hurt!' Thud!! 'Ok, That hurt too!' He still isn't dead though! 'Use your head, Riss! Do something!' He desperately yanks himself to the right...
   Which doesn't fool the fighter pilot for a second! His nose stays locked on the amateur C.F.T, and is now only a couple hundred meters away, riddling him with cannon fire! The suit is tough, but this might be a little more than it can handle for long!
    Claaang!! A loud metal on metal sound, and suddenly the vessel is below him! Something, or someone knocked it away...
    And that Someone is clinging to its upper hull, just behind the cockpit! It's Roice! He has securely embedded all four joints into the armour plating!
    The white-skinned, ugly pilot of the fighter increases his speed and pulls some pretty wild maneuvers out of his playbook in a panicked attempt to shake him off! Roice is almost rattled right out of his armor! banging first against this side, then against that side, over and over again!
    Maybe it tickles, or maybe his brain is just too jumbled up to make sense of anything; but either way, he bursts out into uncontrollable laughter moments before losing his grip, and is shaken violently off the hull!
    The Vex ship banks around again! its afterburners ignite, and it streaks towards him; weapons trained on his limp, giggling form.
    "HEY YOU!! UP HEEEERE!!" Riss screams; though knowing full well that sound doesn’t travel in space...
    "No”, he says to himself; a slight grin forming on his face as he remembers the Saar Cannon rifle on his back! "but bullets do!" He whips out the huge weapon as fast as he can, and, without even time to aim, fires a long burst of rounds right over Roice's head, and into the nose of the fighter!
    "WHOA-!" Roice screams, as the rounds blow it into 10,000 pieces! (Exactly 10,000!)
    "HA HA!!" Riss shouts ecstatically as he pushes his air-jet switch to fly over to a panicking Roice.
    "STOP STOP STOP!" Roice screams, eyes tightly shut and arms waving frantically around. "RISS! I told you before NOT to fire that thing so close to my Face!"
    Riss grins broadly. "Well it looks like we're even today on scaring the wits out of each other… And, I've got to admit, it's kind of fun being on the other end for once."
    Roice purses his electronic mouth into a tight line and shakes his head; after a moment he shrugs. "Eh...I’m not too worried about that. I always seem to get the last laugh." He then whips out his rifle and aims it at two nearby fighters flying parallel to them. "Nothing too personal, trash cans!" His gun slams against his plated shoulder as a stream of heavy rounds pummel the fighters, smashing through their armour and detonating one of the two's fuel cells!
    KA-BLAAAM! A couple balls of fire replace the ships!
    One plummets downward and slams into a bridge-way below, packed with evacuees attempting to get down to the nature...

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