Chapter 1: The Red Giant.

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Planet: Faoe (pronounced: Fay-oe)

As we travel through the end reaches of the universe, past stars streaming by in the appearance of a trillion white lines, a planet begins to come into view. It is not really huge as planets go, but the vast barrenness of its surface disguises its small size to the naked eye.
    The planet is also flanked on either side by two small moons; both have long asteroid trails flowing through space after them, which seem to have been caused by their colliding with each other on many- if not frequent- occasions. The rock trails, over time, settle onto the planet itself in the form of massive meteor showers- deadly meteor showers.
    The planet's suns are less remarkable... two yellow stars positioned just a short distance away, which, because of Faoe's almost non-existent rotation, usually only shine on about 75% of the planet's surface.
    Faoe itself is anything but unremarkable. The world is made up mostly of magnetic rock, vibrantly red and highly electric, causing the upper atmosphere to be filled with thick volcanic ash and dazzling bolts of blue lightning. These storms cause havoc with interplanetary ships and even ground based machinery; they block out a good deal of the suns’ light to the world below, and bring a large amount of acid rain in the wet seasons.
    There is little natural life on this dead, desert-encased rock; but what small amounts there are are guarded and coveted with unrivaled fierceness by its populace: Humanity.
    This planet was once very much alive, truth be told. It was known by many, so long ago, to be amongst the universe's most influential and feared of worlds; powerful and wealthy; able to deal a mighty blow to those who dared oppose.
    In those days, the people lived deep beneath these eternal red sands, safe from their deadly winds and blazing heats by kilometres of firm rock. But that safe haven is no longer a possibility for today's citizens. The old earth-caverns have all been sealed many thousands of years past by their ancestors. Those who did not depart into the stars above in the ensuing years were forced to face the reality of life on a planet 90% near-uninhabitable!
    We turn now to the surface, to one of its few cities... a small sign of life amidst a lifeless world.
    ‘Welcome Friends to Acastid’ reads one sign on the outskirts; though the city itself does not look very welcoming. The streets are deserted, save for some ravaged and looted vehicles still parked sparsely on every other intersection, crosswalk, or parking space. The buildings, once tall and grand, are now just giant monuments of rubble, only kept standing because of the strength of their design. Craters, garbage, and destroyed machines-of-war dot the city. One wouldn't have to look far to find some form or other of weaponry next to: a scraped tank, a dead soldier, or behind any nook and cranny across the entire city.
    There is no stench in the air (though it is certainly felt by those unfortunate enough to still live here) because of the thick ash everywhere across the planet. Thus there is little to remind the foolish warlords here of the consequences of conflict.
    And so wars rage ever on, riding on the backs of the people who have neither the power nor position to make any stand of their own. These poor souls are the ones who die on Faoe; quickly forgotten, their bodies left in the streets where they passed, only eventually being buried by the merciful blowing sands of the boundary-less desert.
    This is Faoe. This is how it has been since long before anyone can remember; long before even the ancient days, and the glorious Egoase Age prior to that [A peaceful age long, long ago]. Faoe has only ever known war; and these days that expression has almost become an excuse for madmen who wish to continue this planet's destructive course.
    In view now are the desolate streets of the city Acastid.
    All is silent.
    Now a radio begins to play somewhere. It's playing an old song, a classic. Actually, it's almost sad to hear amidst the quiet peace which oft arises when there are few left to speak or make any sort of noise at all.
    The radio plays on. The song goes like this:
In Those Old Mountain Roads,
past the house on the Rocky Gorge,
past the fires on the...High Peaks,
Alive with the sorrow...the sorrow we did hold...
(Banjos play)
    The tune is bouncy, catchy. Maybe people used to sing along or even dance to it. But as we now approach a small band of survivors among the ruined buildings, (radio in their midst) the dead staring expressions of their faces don't exactly relay any desire to join together in a merry mood. These people are the few still living in the city. They have all lost loved ones; many have lost close relations, friends, people they cared about deeply. For them, the horrors of war are all too real, and the only escape is memory... sad, silent memory.
    One of these people, standing watch near a collapsed wall, is Mex Vomer, a tall, burly, 16 year old boy, strong in spirit, and with a fairly good head on his shoulders. He is one of the tougher ones. Being easy to like and easy to respect have made the few young lads here kind of look up to him as a dad figure- not that he wants to be though! In truth, Mex is only looking to leave this wretched place, much to the dismay of his friends and family. But never- Never, it must be said- would he put his own wish in front of the wishes of those who need him, and those who love him dearly- such as his step-father.
     He looks over at the deserted buildings across the street and then peers into the cloudy, red sky. 'They're coming’, he thinks.
    "Hey Mex?"
    Started from his thoughts, he spins around. A young teenager, no more than 13 years old stands behind him. He's a tall brown-skinned boy with messy, dark hair and an 'I don't care' attitude that, to Mex, frankly just seems to follow him around.
    "What now, Ganju?" he asks, somewhat irritated at being interrupted from his pleasant thinking- one of just a few things he still enjoys.
    "The Constellation are gonna assemble just under the Old Town Square over there (the boy points). I know it!" [The Constellation are an enemy force opposed to the governing faction: The Great State.]
    "Nonsense Ganjy. That's Way too close to our lines”, Mex responds, and then resumes his staring.
    "Fine, fine”, Ganju says, waving his hand the same way he's watched grown-ups do it. "Just don't cry when you're wrong."
    Mex turns and smiles smugly at him. "You don't either, because here comes the cavalry to save the day!"
     "Huh?" Ganju looks up where he is staring. "Hey! hey guys look! The Phantom Droppers are comin'!"
    Everybody cheers as they rush over to see.
    Up in the dark, crimson sky, blue lights begin to appear; closer and closer they come, till finally they take the form of lightly armored Phantom soldiers, clad in scarlet cloaks and onyx gear; equipped for hard core combat. These deadly warriors cut through the cold morning air like daggers through sand all the way to the earth below. The electric repulsor waves inside their gloves and knee-pads blast the ground below them, scattering obstacles far and wide as the devices cushion their fall.
    The soldiers immediately get to work, rushing out into the streets, weapons blazing against a sudden onslaught of fire from terrified Grand Constellation soldiers!
    As the battle begins, the leader of the Phantoms looks around at the chaos now erupting all throughout this side of the city- bullets and large metal shells streaking all around him! A satisfied smile spreads over the thick, bearded chin beneath his tiger-striped face shield [A face-covering mask with two eyes and a fanged-mouth, possessing a rather intimidating character.]. He is Zeelu Atrosa, Captain of the 7th Brigade of Droppers. His record of victories against the popular Grand Constellation uprising are astounding! Every ground he and his men tread upon flies the flag of the Great State Security just days later! [Great State Security are the sworn enemies of the mercenary Grand Constellation group; they are led by their king: Emasse Shunt.] Himself a lethal combatant, few in their proper mentality would dare pit themselves- or any of their allies for that matter- against him.
    "Donold!" he thunders above the loud roar of the battle. "Get over here, Now!"
    A shorter, heavily clad trooper, wearing large orange goggles under his red hood rushes over, dumping at least half a clip from his large, pounder chain-rifle at a group of retreating Constellation soldiers across the street. "Captain!?" he shouts back, his voice barely audible.
    "Get Irliss Eloken and Shaj Kinnesfield and take them across the dried-up riverbed! Regroup with the Corporal and evacuate any civilians you see along the way-!" He breaks off his order abruptly to rev his rifle- a chainsaw-like device- and fires at the window of a nearby building. The chain launches a dozen or so heavy bullets into it, ripping the entire side wall to pieces!
    Donald Senetil also joins in with a volley of explosive rounds. Their doubled fire eventually tears the inner room to pieces, destroying the wooden desk a Constellation standard-infantry soldier was taking cover behind! After one second of shells impacting on his chest and shoulder armour, the rounds drive the man through the back wall to his death below!
    Zeelu then looks at Donold again. "Get moving son!" he says, clapping him on the shoulder.
    "Yes sir!" the orange-goggled soldier replies. Hopping to his feet, he turns around-
    Zeelu grabs his arm. "Where did Aegis land!?"
    Donald looks around with a searching eye. Finally he looks back to his captain. "I don't know! Probably in those old ruins to the east!" He points in the direction, then turns and sprints away through a hail of gunfire.
    Zeelu turns to see his son Ganju, along with one of his own best and most trusted friends, his step-son Mex Vomer, running speedily towards him. He shouts, "Ganju, get down, now!!"
    Two shots dart over Ganju's head, narrowly missing Mex right beside him! The two hit the floor; Mex pumping rounds, from what looks to Zeelu like a pop gun, into the second floor of a skyscraper, not far from the captain himself.
    Repeater shots ring out from the window, pummeling the stone Mex is crouched behind to pieces!
    "ARRAAH!!" Mex shouts, though more from frustration than anything else.
    Ganju pulls out his pistol. "I'LL GET 'EM OFF YOU PAL!!" He runs out into the open, firing at the window!
    "NO, YOU YOUNG GOOF!!" Mex cries, reaching out to try stopping him. He is held in place though, by a large boulder rolled over his leg.
    One of the two Grand Constellation soldiers emerges onto the building's second story balcony! He is a huge armoured brute, wielding a M.1.1.A Chasm Causer- one of the most deadly explosive launchers in the known universe!
    Ganju fires into the man twice, but his shots simply bounce off this titan's coat of thick grey armour!
    The soldier levels his barrel on the terrified youth! Below his upper face plating, his mouth is smiling in satisfaction.
    But then a red mass surges ahead of Ganju, too quickly to focus on. It wields a rifle though; and right now the butt-end of the weapon is the side at the ready!
    It's Zeelu! He jumps up a humanly Impossible distance of almost 12 feet!
    The enemy soldier begins to pull the trigger when suddenly an explosion of burning scarlet surges up mere feet in front of him!
    "AAAAAAAAAARAAAGH!!" Zeelu cries, swinging his rifle with all of his might- being a Phantom Dropper, clad in strength-enhancing armour, that swing could put a dent in two feet thick metal!-
    CLAAAANG!! The steel giant smashes hard into the wall beside him! He quickly becomes half-buried as it collapses on him!
     His partner rushes out to confront the captain.
    BANG BANG!! He staggers then falls back down into the doorway like a stone!
    Mex salutes to Zeelu from down in the street; his rifle's chain glowing red.
    Zeelu turns to salute back, drawing his attention briefly away from his downed foes.
    Bad mistake! "RAAAAAAAARRR!!" Foe 1 bursts out of his rubble cradle, grabbing a brick in either hand! He hurls one, then the other at Zeelu!
    He dives against a nearby wall to narrowly miss the flying rocks, and struggles in the half-second he has to get his weapon aimed...
    "TOO SLOW!!" the brute shouts, punching his tiger-mask with iron gloves! Zeelu hits the wall again, hard! The titan then smashes the wall with his fingers, and pulls with all his might! The entire wall, yanked from its foundation, pushes Zeelu in the side, throwing off his aim, and knocks him heavily down to the ground!
    "Uaah!" he gasps, attempting, but failing, to snap back to his feet.
    The wall begins rocking over, and is pulled (by you know who) down to crush him!
    Suddenly his blurry vision of the oncoming wall is blocked by the vibrant red of another Phantom soldier's cloak. The newcomer puts his hands against the wall, stiffens his stance, then heaves!
    Not only does the wall stop, it actually reverses direction! Despite the Constellation giant's attempts to keep it falling, it surges back up and slams into place, disintegrating into a thousand pieces of brick and mortar!
    "What in all the-!" the enemy giant begins.
    The new Phantom doesn't even give him the chance to react! Spinning, he plants his feet and delivers a knockout punch!
    The massive brute almost appears to just simply…vanish before Zeelu's eyes! But the large hole in the wall behind where he was just a moment earlier states pretty clearly that this is Not the case.
    Zeelu takes the proffered hand of the newcomer and is hauled to his feet. "Ha ha!" he laughs at the man behind the Phantom-mask. "Aegis Thearo! Where on this red rock have you been?"
    The newcomer presses a button on his upper chestplate, causing his ghastly mask to slide down from his thin face. “You are welcome Captain”, is his reply. His voice is dark and deep; his face that of an interior man, yet somehow so sad…so painful… “I came to report that the city-centre appears to be teeming with Constellation, a good few thousand or so."
    Zeelu decides to put aside his inner thoughts of his friend for now. "Well, you could have just radioed it in”, he says in his usual commander's tone.
    Aegis looks matter-of-fact. "They have communication jammers set up in almost every, single building we have come across so far. So that leaves radioing anything in out of the equation for now."
    Zeelu walks over to the edge of the heavily damaged balcony to observe the embattled city. He holds a stance like a true leader. "Well, it also means that they can't report anything either. I would say…that gives us a distinct advantage."
    "Well, I am pleased you think so, sir”, Aegis responds, never afraid to speak his mind to his captain, despite his quiet demeanor. To Zeelu, that is a sure sign of trust... a deep trust. "They do have us significantly outnumbered- if you failed to notice."
    "I noticed. I notice everything”, he smilingly answers. "And I like it better when we are." He then looks back to his lieutenant.
    Aegis knows that look well and nods. "Yes sir!" He then turns and dives off the building, heading in the direction of the fighting. Zeelu watches him go and looks pleased. He thinks of Aegis Thearo as the perfect soldier. Many would be the number of men he would trade, if needs be, to keep him in his platoon.
    He then jumps down off the balcony himself to ground level- his suit's hydraulics taking away the fall's punch- and lands gracefully in front of his son, still standing in the middle of the street.
    "Wow, Dad!" Ganju cries. "You guys are GREA-!"
    Zeelu swats the pistol out of his son's hand! as the tiger-striped faceplate slides down from his deep brown face. "Don't Ever do that again Ganju! EVER!! Do you understand!?" he shouts with blatant authority.
    "Yeah Dad, yeah ok!" he stammers.
    His father picks up the gun angrily. "Who gave you this!?"
    Mex limps over with a worried expression. "I'm afraid that was I, sir…" he apologizes, shrugging his shoulders. "I figured we needed an extra shooter…"
    Zeelu winces, never quite able to find it in himself to reprimand his young friend easily. Mex has always been so close to him, having been an orphan whom he brought under his wing many years ago. "I understand that, Mex. I do. But not him- not Ganju. I don't want my son anywhere Near a weapon, alright?" He tries to say it reservedly while still being forceful.
    Mex shifts uncomfortably but nods, not having the courage to look him in the eye. "Yes, captain."
    Zeelu visibly relaxes. "I always know I can count on you, Mex. You'll make a great soldier one day. I Mean that."
    He manages a shy smile. "Thank you, sir."
    Then the captain returns to his commanding self. "In the meantime I want you two to get away from here as fast as possible. Round up as many civilians as you run across on your way, and then make for the far borderlands." He then shifts his gaze solely to Mex. "Keep young Ganju safe, Mex. Do Not let him come back here; understood?"
    "But No, Dad-!" Ganju begins.
    "No ‘buts’, Ganju!" he interrupts. "Don't forget, you have a younger brother at home who still needs you."
    "But Dad…" he moans.
    "Take him out, Mex!" Zeelu commands. "And good fortune to you."
    Mex grabs Ganju's shoulder and leads him off. "The best to you too, sir."
    The two then enter a battered building and exit from Zeelu's sight.
    *Click* The radio on his belt goes off.
    He grabs the thick, cumbersome device. "Captain Atrosa!" he answers.
    Donold Senetil's voice comes through. *"We've taken the riverbed sir! Irliss, Shaj and the rest o' the boys are with me in the Artisan Man building on the other side!"*
    "Keep me posted! Atrosa out!" *Click* He shuts the radio off, and then laughs quietly to himself. “Always the same- always easy”, he says to no one in particular. “It doesn't even seem fair anymore.” He then begins running off toward the frenzy of clashing soldiers. “I'm starting to doubt that there's much out there that can even Slow us down…"




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