Chapter 24: At the Clashing.

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Why does this pic remind me of Incite Queen Liin?

Planet: Otonoliss

Before the sun had even risen that morning, Ethiir had set out towards the Chariot docking bay in Inquina city. For once, the grandeur of this urban marvel didn't even register in her gaze; her focus was set solely on her task at hand. She had to talk to Captain Len-Quéd right now, before takeoff, with or without a scheduled meeting.

At least a half-dozen Otonoliss Guardsmen attempted to stop this apparent madwoman from entering the vessel among the C.F.T soldiers, but she moved with the swiftness of a stray cat and somehow made it all the way to the bridge of the Chariot itself! It was only there, in front of the captain and his entire bridge crew, who were prepping for a casual departure, that the Guardsmen finally seized her and started pulling her back out forcefully!

"Is this your way of wishing us farewell, Lady?" Riss called to her, pursuing the group of security guards. "You never fail to make a scene", he grinned.

"Would you just be quiet and tell these 'gentlemen' to get their hands off me!" Ethiir shot back, struggling to free herself.

"I don't know, you look pretty threatening to me", he joked. "Alright, boys, give her her day in court."

"The Prime Advocate himself ordered that there be no hindrances, sir!" the lead guard rudely protested.

Riss frowned, angry at Argin Aszen for pushing this ridiculous timeline through with both hands; as if it were the end of mankind if they fell even one minute behind schedule! "Well", he retorted, "How would the Prime Advocate like it if his captain delayed the launch even further, because he's not comfortable with the treatment he's getting!?" It came out a little harsher than he'd wanted it to. He wasn't mad at the guard; he was just sick of being knocked around by Aszen lately (even if he is the Prime Advocate).

The guard back stepped, nodding to his men to release Ethiir.

"Hey, you guys are doing a good job", Riss said apologetically. "Carry on with your duties."

"Yes sir", they responded in unison, then marched back outside.

"Blast it, Miss Regal, what are you doing here!?" he demanded from her.

She responded instantly, "I have to come with you, Captain! I have to be here for Aegis! He's not in a mentally sound state!"

Ja-ça, seated at his command console, scoffed derisively. "What!? C'mon sister, Aegis is the best of all these guys!"

"I'm warning you, Captain, he Needs me!" She practically hopped in excitement! "Let me come with you!"

Riss looked at her like she had two heads. "Look, Ethiir, I do get it; but my crew's already full. Besides, you're non-military. This is a trained-team only flight."

"I've navigated my way across half of this universe in my day, Captain", she protested. "And I've traveled across Iron Shore twice. How many of the people in this room have ever even been to Iron Shore?" She waited for their answer, wearing a sly smile.

No hands went up. Riss winced .

"Sir?" the nervous young Alan Orl-Jackille, Riss' chief navigator, asked.

Riss replied, "What is it, Ensign?"

"Well- uh, I'd just like to say- or, to point out- that uh, Iron Shore is a really difficult nature to navigate through; and uh, I could sure use some help doing it. And seeing how the lady here is familiar with it-"

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