Who We Are

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'blah' is thinking

"blah" is speech

blah is Jason and Dick's mind link (It has no quotations of any kind) Let me know if you like it underlined or not. It won't be in this chapter but I want your opinion before I write it in.



It had been hours since the boy was brought into the room, and the cold stone was numbing to his bare feet.

The room was kept at freezing temperatures. There were no windows nor vents, only a large metal door. It had no handles on the inside, making it impossible to escape. The room was built to keep people -things- in, not out.

The boy was chained to the wall by his collar and wrists, and his legs were bound to the floor. The metal shackles he wore sliced into his skin with every attempt he made to free himself.

The small child let out an anguished cry, voice cracking as he yelled. The chains on his body rattled as his body trembled. Torn and shredded by the torture he'd endured, his clothes were more or less nonexistent, making the child even colder in the already freezing room. The boy curled into himself, shivering and sobbing silently.

The young Talon looked to be about ten. Far too skinny for his age. His face was too pale to look healthy, in fact, he almost looked dead. The sparkle in his eyes had dimmed and his smile had run away. The room he resided in was for punishment. He had failed...again.

The groan of the heavy door opening forced the child to uncurl and sit up straight. He couldn't be caught lying down. It would only prolong his time here.

His eyes were blinded by the light that shone through the door. The boy peaked through squinted lashes to see the silhouette of a man he knew all to well. His Master.

The child watched as his Master eyed him coldly. How much longer was he going to stay here?


A loud crack and the thud of a body echoed in the small room.

"What have I told you about speaking, boy?" His Master spat angrily.

The child began to tremble, hiding away in the corner of the room. He knew what came next, and he hated it.

His Master left the room for a moment and returned with a chair, dragging it behind him.

He unlocked the child's chains and pushed him towards the chair. The boy sat down and watched with dreading eyes as his Master locked his arms and legs to the cold steel.

"Since you never seem to learn, it's time we take more..." he paused, pulling a long knife from the sash across his chest, "Drastic measures." He finished, and looked at the child with a sadistic gleam in his eyes.

"No! Master! Plea-"

The child's pleas were cut off as a knife plunged into his thigh. The boy let out a blood curtailing scream as the blade was twisted around in his leg.

"What did I tell you about speaking, Talon?" his Master spat, grinning down at him. "You are not to speak unless you are told. Correct?"

The boy nodded his head, burying the scream that was climbing up his throat. His Master grinned and pulled out the knife, twisting the blade as it left. The child bit into his lip hard enough to draw blood, but he did not scream.

His pain did not last long however. He bowed his head and watched as his torn flesh molded itself back together, healing him.

He was a monster now, inside and out, and no one was coming to save him. Batman wasn't coming to save him. He'd given up hope on any kind of rescue after his transformation. After all, who would want to save him? A killer. A monster.

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