Enemies To Allies

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'hey what's up' - This is thinking

"hey what's up" - This is speaking

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Eyes...people say their the window to one's soul. Dick hated his eyes. They weren't the familiar blue from his childhood anymore. His left eye was now a golden yellow, and his right was a dull blue. Every time he looked in the mirror, they were there. The eyes. Always reminding him of what he is...was...

Dick sighed as he sat down on his beat-up couch. He'd been planning to go out tonight but...that might not happen anymore. His new suit was complete, he just couldn't think of a name.

'Just gonna have to wing it!.. Wait,' he thought, 'If I go out at night, and basically wing everything...' he stood up and began pacing, 'How about Wingnight!?' he exclaimed, finger shooting into the air.

Dick stopped pacing and stood for a moment. 'Nope, no, nope. That's bad, like, real bad.'

Dick sighed in frustration, running a hand through his hair as he began pacing again. 'It can't be Wingnight. It has to be something clever, something that people can love, but also fear. Something like...Nightwing.' A smile crept across Dick's face.

Looks like he's going out after all.

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Jason's day was running smoothly. Well, it had been running smoothly until one of his men called saying they were having trouble on a job.

Grumbling to himself, he grabbed his helmet and keys before heading outside to his motorcycle. His men were at a warehouse down by the docks. They were supposed to make a deal with some of Blockbuster's guys and get a few of his buildings. Jason sighed, turning on his bike. The ride shouldn't be more than 10 minutes.

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Nightwing was making his way towards the docks.

He'd gotten...beaten...some information out of a thug about a deal going down. He was still new to Bludhaven, so the gangs were still unfamiliar, but the thug had said something about a Red Hood. Was that the gang's name or was it the boss? Or both?

Well, he'd figure it out one way or another. Right now, he needed to get to the right building.

As he approached the the building he slowed down, not wanting to be spotted by any lookouts.

Nightwing surveyed the warehouse from the opposing roof. There were four men guarding the front entrance, each of them had an automatic rifle -and what looked to be a grenade. He wasn't positive though, knives were more his thing. There was one man walking along the side of the building.

'Using my great detective skills, I am able to deduce that there is also a man on the other side as well.' He quietly snickered at his sarcasm.

Taking out his grappling line, he stood and shot it towards the roof of the warehouse. Only a soft 'pat' could be heard as he landed. Nightwing waited a few moments, making sure even the soft noise wasn't heard before creeping towards the skylight.

'What is it with Bludhaven having skylights in all their building? Honestly it's ridiculous. Their just asking for someone to break in,' he thought.

When he looked through the glass he saw about ten men in the room. Six of them had a patch with two B's on them. 'What does that stand for? Bad Boys?' he quipped mentally. Focusing on the remaining four, he saw that they each had a red helmet, with two AK's crossing each other on the back of their jackets.

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