A Life's Worth

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The room was silent as the movie continued to play, everyone's attention focused solely on the T.V. Dick didn't understand what was so entertaining, after all, what was the point of watching a fake lion sing and dance its way through life? So, instead of watching the movie, Dick focused his attention on the people around him. Every couple of minutes, four to be exact, Superboy would glance in his direction. Every five minutes, Robin would change his position on the couch. Every minute or so, the green girl would send him a puzzled look. It was quite boring honestly.

He looked to Robin when the boy shuffled again. What made him choose that name? It's not very intimidating, so it must be a personal reason. Pet name perhaps? Dick tilted his head, why were they even watching a movie? Shouldn't they be out doing hero things? He reached into the pouch on his thigh, grabbing paper and pencil, and wrote down his question.

Should he ask though? The Court never let him ask. He wasn't supposed to ask. Dick messed with the pad in his hand, debating silently, drawing the attention of the young heroes around him.

"Nightwing? You okay?" Superboy inquired, turning to face him.

Nightwing snapped his head up, staring into Superboy's face for a moment. Well, what did he have to lose? It's not like they could take his life away. Right? He glanced at his notebook again before handing it to Kid Flash, who was sitting next to him.

"Why are you guys watching a movie instead of patrolling?" Kid Flash read aloud, handing the notebook back after reading.

Surprisingly, it was Robin that spoke up, "Because we're a covert team. We run the missions that Batman and the League gives us, although we do patrol separately with our mentors," he finished.

Dick though for a moment and began to scribble out his reply. Although he'd deny that Batman's voice made him jump.


Dick jumped -no he didn't- in his chair, swinging his head to look at Batman as he walked towards the group.

Nightwing tilted his head and gave his best confused expression. His practice in front of the mirror finally being put to the test.

"What do you know of the Light?" Batman asked, well, demanded.

Nightwing shook his head. He honestly didn't know what Batman was talking about. The Light? Who would call themselves that?

"Re- Jason. Do you know what The Light is? Batman's asking about it," Dick thought quickly. Hopefully Red -no, not Red- Jason, would answer him.

Batman started speaking again, "The Light is a group of criminals that we've been tracking lately, and according to Deathstroke's latest victim, Deathstroke is now part of that group."

Okay. But what did this have to do with Dick? As far as he knew, the Court didn't deal with other groups. So what did Batman want?

"No I don't, let me ask Slade real quick. He always seems to know these things," Jason's voice exploded in Dick's mind, almost causing him to flinch.


Nightwing flipped to a clean page and wrote his question -what did this have to do with him- and threw the pad at Batman afterwards.

"Superman and I wanted to know if you've heard anything about them. Has Red Hood mentioned them to you?" Batman replied as Superman walked into the room.

"We're also looking for someone to go undercover and infiltrate them," Superman finished, interrupting Batman who threw the pad back to Nightwing after reading it.

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