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Millie tuned Hannah's bragging out of her head. She didn't want to hear about her conquests from last night. She sighed internally. She really had been fooled. That or Hannah was a better liar than she gave her credit for. Millie knew she didn't have a right to be disappointed. How had she already created expectations for a boy she spoke to once?

"Gina, wanna come with me to the restroom really quick?"

Gina's head turned to Millie's direction and nodded in response. The two walked quietly to the nearest girls restroom and as soon as they were inside the silence was broken.

"Thank you! Ugh if I heard one more detail about what she and Sinclair did last night I was gonna barf." She exhaled.

"Yeah I feel you."

Gina walked over to Millie and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"M, are you okay? I know last night was supposed to be fun but Finn and Stacy ruined it for you. Do you want to talk about anything."

Millie smiled. She was so thankful for Gina. She was her best friend. Sure they were different in many ways but they shared many hardships in their little town. It's what they had formed their whole friendship on.

"No, I'm okay really. I'm just kind of out of it today."

"Well let me know if you change your mind."


When the girls returned, they returned to an even bigger group. The male trio had joined their friends on the benches where they left them. Millie made eye contact with Sinclair who had Hannah hanging off his left arm. Comedy. Pure comedy. Millie was a fool. A poor fool who really thought that somebody could be different in her old town.

Tragic, just tragic. Sinclair shifted nervously when Millie made eye contact with him and looked away instantly. He looked over to Hannah who was very clearly marking him as her territory. He cringed at that thought. As if he would ever voluntarily be Hannah Clarke's property. Millie would no doubt not speak to him again. At least not in the same manner that she had before. Sinclair wanted to be different, he did, but he was just as much a part of this town as everyone else. That's what made Millie so interesting, she was so different.

Millie decided she wasn't going to dwell on a ten minute conversation she had with some boy she'd never spoken to before. It opened her eyes. Maybe nobody would ever be different. Perhaps she should just adapt. The chances of getting out of their town were slim. Almost nobody made it out. There was always someone or something in the way or holding them back. Blending in wouldn't be that hard. She knew how everyone in this town worked. She knew because she'd done everything in her power to be different. So she decided to cut whatever imaginary personality she had created for Sinclair out of her mind. She wouldn't be bothered.

She looked directly at Sinclair and Hannah and smiled brightly.

"I am just, so so happy for you two. You guys are so cute together."

Vicki clung to my side in excitement.

"Oh me too! You guys are just the cutest." She said aloud to the group but then whispered in Millie's ear, "it's about damn time. I was tired of hearing the bitch complain."

Millie chuckled. She should just be happy for her friend.

"Actually, we're not together." Stated Sinclair dryly.

Finn and Lewis started laughing wildly.

"Actually what he means is, we don't have a label yet." Hannah suggested.

"No, I meant what I said. We aren't together Hannah. It's not going to happen."

Sinclair removed her from his arm and walked away. He didn't want to see Hannah cry. Vicki ran to her side and hugged her twin to her body. A single tear rolled down Hannah's cheek. And as horrible as it sounds it took everything inside of Millie not to laugh.

For The Love Of MillieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant