Well... true, but... now that I have been forced to reincarnate, I had no choice but to start hoping for better life. If I were to have a life-shortening disease or a very short life this time, then God has got to be playing a prank on me. After He forced me to reincarnate, too.

So, yup. It's too late to wish for peaceful rest, so why not wish for a better life this time? That way, God won't call me pitiful and tried to force me to reincarnate again. Once is enough.

It looks like despite having a negative outlook on life, I still can hope for something good!

Not bad, me!

Did God cure my depression or lift it away from my new mind?

Hmm... my negative thinking is still intact, I guess. I cannot stop anticipating for bad things that are bound to happen to me.

Bianca opens a door to a hospital ward and enters the room.

"Mrs. Hartmann, congratulations! Your daughter's condition is stable already. And the doctors said that your condition was also great. If you wish for it, then you can go home tomorrow in the morning!" said Bianca cheerfully.

"That so."

This voice... is this my mother's? Hmm, her response is not that good...

Well... she might not be excited for me. After all, she might be forced to marry the Hartmann family's son in a political marriage. Or a marriage of convenience, both are the same. It's normal for nobles to get engaged and married off to other nobles by their respective families, without involving them in the discussion.

Whoa, sorry then, Mother!

Shortly after, Mrs. Hartmann, ah, no, my mother takes me from Bianca's hands.

Uwa, what a gentle hand! And her scent is nice. I wonder if it is because she is my mother, and that babies have some kinds of instincts?

She brings me closer to her embrace.

Ah, now I can see her face!

My mother seems to be in her twenties and she looks so beautiful!

No, I am not biased just because she is my mother. But really, she has a different aura from the others.

Her hair is a beautiful yellowish silver, and it is long and wavy. Yup, her hair almost reaches her waist.

Her eyes are round and golden. So pretty. My father must be very lucky for getting her.

And then, her expression turns wry.

Oh, uhm... sorry for being born a girl... in case you wanted a boy.

And where is my father? Isn't he going to come? Oh, is he coming to take us home tomorrow? Or not?

I am having difficulty in interpreting her expression.

Could she be in the same position of my mother? Or is she just a concubine in the Hartmann family?

Surely, giving birth to an heir would ease her life, if that is the case. And I assume that the heir should be a boy.

I'm only a few days old in this world but my mind is already flooded with questions.

If I knew I would be forced to reincarnate, I should have made a list of wishes I want for my birth circumstances with God.


Hm?! My mother murmured something, but I couldn't hear what.

She then proceeds to breastfeed me. This is kind of embarrassing but I need it in order to live. I don't know, but it seems better than getting nutrition from the hospital IV drips.

After feeling full, I gently look up to my mother's face, as if signaling her to stop breastfeeding me.

"Eh? You're full already?"

Holy--- mother, you can understand me!

"Aaa uu!!" I wave my hands around in the air.

"Fufu, that's good."

Ah! Mother smiled! Uwaaa, is this a good signal? So she doesn't hate me? At least that is sufficient!

"Aaa buu--," and then I burped. How embarrassing... but babies do this after they drink, right? Y-yeah! I might be 13 years old but... my body is still a baby, you know? I'm totally not making excuses!

"Ah right, tomorrow, you will see your home for the first time."

Right! I unconsciously smiled.

"...ara, how could I forget to say this... I'm your mommy! ...but you already know. How could I mess the order around."

My mother seems to be a clumsy person. Eh wait, she said "mommy" and not "mother". So I presume... I should address her "mommy" instead of "mother".

"Hello! Ah-em! Your name is Alrescha Lyra Hartmann. Remember it, okay, Lyra?" My mother---uh, Mommy gently brushes my head.

It seems my name is Alrescha Lyra Hartmann. Glad to finally know my name.

Hmm, by the way, what is this warm sensation I feel in my chest? It feels good. I like this feeling.

Before I know it, it seems I have dozed off to sleep.

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