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"ACCORDING TO the report we've collected these past five years, Professor, this experiment is not going to get any further than a failure."

A woman with short bob red hair dressed in a white lab coat showed what she grasped on her hand; a paper with the result of what they had been working for the last five years, which had never been successful. The old man on the other side of a body confined in a giant glass capsule horizontally placed in the middle of the room, still stared at that object without blinking once, trying to assure himself that this time, his trials would reach its end.

Everything in this room was untidy after so many failures happened and the professor wanted it that way to recheck what was missing in his data so he could arrange the new components of his endless experiment. He had such inexhaustible energy for this, as he never gave up no matter how many supplies unloaded for this asset.

They three occupied the laboratory; Montgomery, Claire, and the body. A notice board hung outside of the door, forbidding people from entering because of dangerous hazards and the extremely secret formula inside, even though a keycard was required to unlock it. Due to a past incident that happened a half decade ago, Professor Montgomery lost all his formula records along with the experiment's subject of the research. Someone that Montgomery used to believe as his apprentice apparently betrayed his trust by taking away their successful asset and left nothing but an empty desk, and a long frustration for the man to restart everything. Ninety three times he failed and failed in many different ways and methods. But today, he was confident.

"There is something I haven't told you, Claire. This one must be a success," Professor Montgomery said, then he took quick steps to the desk containing buttons, which connected to the glass capsule containing the subject he had been watching... a sleeping woman. The wicked plan he had been executing was to create a mutant that could achieve the whole brain capability, which was impossible for common people, as the maximum brain power was no more than twenty percent. He was responsible for the kidnapping of dozens of people in the past for his private illegal experiments which were done and funded by a district he was currently occupied. The subject would be their first superhuman if this complete brain activation was successful, it would be invincible.

A switch in the middle of the control panel was already grabbed by the professor, but before he pulled it, the woman he called Claire interrupted. She seemed to have doubts as her eyebrows furrowed by watching how her father was unusually obsessed without worrying about the unexpected outcomes. "Professor, are you sure this one will succeed?"

"Just watch."

Zoop! As soon as the switch was pulled, the capsule that contained a female body absorbed all the electricity in the entire room until it became the only thing that emitted light, illuminating its surroundings. An electrocardiogram displayed how the body pulse accelerated, misted up with such an incredible tension that Claire's eyes turned frozen, staring at the object with her mouth disclosed. The biggest screen in front of Professor Montgomery showed how the brain began to work with coercion and extreme pressure that exceeded the normal level of ordinary human ability. The percentage of brain power had grown to fifty percent, and continued to increase rapidly.

Claire turned her glance towards a pair of constantly changing numbers showing a drastic improvement — something she used to see every week — especially the explosion in the end of the chapter of this situation. "You know how it will end, Professor, I remind you to stop it."

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