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<<She still refuse to use her full power... That girl is so rebellious.>> whispers Khrome hitting the floor with her heels.

<<You are forcing her to do it.>> Recovery Girl expresses her thoughts, <<She is still a kid, you shouldn't press her so much. We saw her ability and strength->>

<<I apologize if I sound rude, but after looking this, you will base your planes against our enemy with that level of strength.>> says the woman back, <<He's not like that, he doesn't let the enemy move, he ends the match with the same speed she attacked Erased Head. You will be dead without even knowing what happened or why. She is too soft, she must be eviler.>>

<<But if I understood right, using all her might brings back bad memories. As a doctor, I can't let her mind be broken like that.>> the heroine is serious, but Khrome hardly heard her words, she is thinking a way to put you on the edge and force you to use at least your 70%.

The high priestess pushes the button again and speaks through the microphone, <<What are you doing? You are a villain and your worst enemy appeared, why did you run away?>>

<<I think... I destroyed too many things and hurt too many people for my flavors...>> you whisper, but thanks to the high technology of the Yuuei, even the littlest sound can be picked up by the microphones.

<<Do you understand that during a war, the voice of the single soldier doesn't count anything?>> everyone stares shocked to Khrome, how dare she to say something like that! <<Finish your enemy like Seatiel would, I need that level of power.>>

<<I can't hurt All Might-sensei... I showed how strong I can be, you are satisfied, right?>>

<<I am disappointed. You are much stronger than this, show it. Show that you can kill him with a snap of your fingers, show that against Seatiel, the Symbol of Peace is on the same level as the dust in the wind. Kill the hero to let the darkness win.>> Shouto and Izuku see that your eyes and body are trapped inside a spiral of fear when the word "kill" reached your ears.

"K-kill...? " you are losing your composure quickly, something bad is rising inside your mind, <<I-I can't... He is the Symbol of Peace, he must stay undefeated... He can't fall... not for someone scary and ugly like me...>>

<<Khrome-sama, you're going too far!>> Ran shouts angrily, <<(Y/N) is aiming to become a hero, she can->>

The screens reflect that All Might found you and destroyed the building, but you managed to escape just in time to the next one. The roof shows to her all the destruction she did, increasing her fears inside her, that are becoming stronger and stronger that she can barely control them.

<<Do it.>> Khrome keeps pressing you since she saw that is working well.

<<He's injured, I can't-!!>> you immediately close your mouth with both hands, you regret with your soul what you just said, if he didn't say anything about it, it would remain a secret, but you just revealed it.

The number one hero hits you hardly and sends you against the building that collapse for the huge power and pressure. The teacher is sad, he doesn't know what to say to the girl, she hasn't any way out, if she fails, the entire class is going to pay the price, if she wins she would do something that clearly doesn't want.

<<What a horrible face, young (Y/N).>> says All Might looking at her crawling to escape from a few ruins. She is keeping all her emotions inside, her face is painted with the blood as her hair, her eyes are red and watery...

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