Chapter 36

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When Izuku and Katsuki's exam was over, Recovery Girl convinced Khrome and the components of the meeting to postpone (Y/N)'s turn until each teacher will recover.

The time passes and the sky starts to assume warm colors, the teachers are almost ready, they tried to send at home the students, but no one wouldn't do that, they must see this round. They think it's impossible even for you, Aizawa can erase your quirk, and there's All Might who is more than enough for everyone, why that woman, Khrome, suggested something like this? She doesn't want you to pass?

The professors take their places in the stage, the class stays to see what will happen, even Midoriya and Bakugou are there, they can study her under a new light and think a plan to beat her in the future. In that moment, Khrome and her guests walk in, she must prove her words, this time, you must obey to her. Khrome feels so bad doing this to you, but her position and the situation doesn't let space for emotions that can lead her in the wrong way.

The screens reflect your figure walking towards the giant door while you touch the ribbon on your hair. Todoroki comes back and looks worried, until now he was with you talking about something... Maybe he is just worried because his girlfriend is going to fight against not one, but ten teachers, ten pro heroes at the same time.

The doors open and the girl sees that Aizawa is already waiting her, the others hid in the surroundings to support the coworker if the first plan wouldn't work. You walk inside and the gate closes behind you...

"I don't want to become a monster... I don't want to look scary..." she thinks staring at Erase Head, "I won't use my quirk at full power against my teachers... All Might-sensei is even injured, how I could hit him if I know that he is already hurt? Hurt people that isn't my enemy is something that I really can't do..."

When the exam begins, Aizawa traps you inside his resistant scarf and actives his quirk, immobilizing you from the start. You didn't even move, you are not going to fight no one of them, you are practically giving up.

<<Khrome-sama... I think this is too much for the young Master.>> whispers Ran, <<Unleash her quirk is linked with bad memories, she would never do that for something like this, especially against her professors.>>

<<I will force her then.>> the woman approaches Recovery Girl politely, <<Excuse me, is there a microphone with which I can communicate to (Y/N)?>>

<<Yeah, over there.>>

<<Thank you.>> Khrome presses the button and her voice reaches the exam field, <<Unleash your quirk, you must play the villain role here.>>

From the screens, everyone sees your head moving towards at one of the cameras showing an angry gaze, <<I remember you that I'm here to become a hero. And I'm not going to unlock my full power...>>

"This girl..." the high priestess sighs and presses the button once again, <<Stop being so childish and do it. You are the only one who can show how strong Seatiel is.>>

<<I will fight him, the others don't need to know about him. I refuse to become a monster... I refuse to become scary...>> you look down again, <<My quirk is not heroic at all, I'm working hard to change that image, you are destroying all my efforts...>>

<<You were raised to become a weapon, don't forget it.>> Ran tries to stop the woman, but she looks at him angrily, <<Until you become 20 years old, you haven't any right to disobey to my orders, you can't take your own decisions. Until that age, you are controlled by us, remember it. If I say unleash you quirk, you must obey and do it.>>

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