Chapter 20

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When everything calmed down, everyone goes back inside deadly silent. Hakkai is making some hot tea, Miraje prepares the sugar, honey and all the necessary, while you are in the living room, wrapped in a blanket and your friends are staring at you pretty badly.

"Oh crap, here it comes..." you just close your eyes ready to listen to the classic super long scold they're gonna do, but nothing is coming, <<No scold?>>

<<Let's be honest.>> says Tenka, <<I apologize for what I've done before to you, you were clearly stressed and I pressed too much. My bad, sorry (Y/N).>>

<<I'm sorry too... I treated you very bad when you were only worried for me.>> you look down showing with all your heart how sorry you are, <<Really, I just didn't want to involve you...>>

<<Listen, maybe you saw it already, but I and my brother are terrified to lose someone again, especially you.>> the green twin says caressing your leg, <<You know, when you find someone that protect rejected people like us without wanting anything back, is an awesome feeling. You're the youngest, the bravest and the strongest between us, but you never laugh at us, not even once. We treasure you a lot, more than our lives, so when we are too invasive or too short tempered like me, we are doing it just to protect you... Nothing else.>>

<<(Y/N), we aren't blind, nor stupid.>> says Lenka with a sorrowful expression, <<We grow up all together, we got that you are scared too, you just hide it better.>> adds him, <<We all know that you spent your whole childhood to master the Wrath form. You didn't have friends, you never played like a normal child...>> those words hit Todoroki really hard, bringing up inside his mind his ugly past when Endevour forced him to train day and night, <<You throwed away years and years of your life just to be accepted and show that you aren't dangerous to the wrong people. We aren't afraid of your beasts, we actually think that Shuu is much more terrifying when he is angry.>>

<<Hahaha, yeah... With his face, is the worst when he is angry.>> you whisper, finally smiling.

<<I heard you! It's not my fault if I was born with this face and this voice.>> the man protests, <<And don't say things like, "you are too tall, people are double scared."; I don't like being so tall either. I always hit my head on something in this country... Everything is so small.>>

<<You're 203cm tall dude, what do you want?>> comments Tenka with his lively tone, making the others laugh a bit.

<<I just want my hero to be safe and healthy.>> Joel pats your head smiling, <<I'm glad you rejected them, but why you were about to activate your Inferno mode? That was dangerous, you know that.>>

<<I was...?>> you look confused, <<I felt strangely honestly, but I thought it was just the stress, but then I heard a voice and...>> trying to remember, you jump scared, <<Did I do something to you?! I'm sure that all the beasts were under my control, I always wear my earring so they couldn't win over->>

<<Hey, hey calm down.>> he grabs your hand and looks at you with his glacial eyes, <<We misunderstood it, for sure. Just don't do things always by yourself, ok? We are here for you, and always will be. Just like Yamato said; no one divide us.>>

<<We'll never leave (Y/N)'s side. We're a family.>> Shuu hugs you and smiles, <<We're the eternal inferno.>>

<<Shuu says always right things!>> Tenka lays an arm around your shoulder and laughs, <<Always together to face everything! One for all, all for one!>>

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