Chapter 11

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When you get in the exit of Izuku's side, a bright and strong explosion destroys the ring and send a powerful wind pressure all over the stadium. You are throwed down by that enormous power and everyone is so shocked that for now they can only protect themselves from the wind. When the flame-wind-debris storm stops, the arena is mute, only Present Mic's whisper reigns inside.

(W-what the hell was that...? What the heck is wrong with your damn class? A-anyway, I can't see anything with the smoke, who won the match?)

"Izuku!" you stand up immediately and go to check the ring, "Shouto? Where's Izuku?" you move a few steps forward to see better, but a greenish light caught your vision field on the right. The green boy falls heavily on the ground, <<Izuku!!>>

(M-Midoriya is out of bounds... Todoroki advanced on the third round!)

<<Oi Izuku, can you hear me?>> you kneeled next to him in the same instant he fell, <<What've I done...>> after another failed attempt to wake him up, <<Sorry if this hurts, I can't think a better way to pay my sin...>> hitting the earring, blue flamed wings rise, you pick up the friend gently and fly inside the stadium to go as fast as possible to Recovery Girl, even if Midnight and other heroes are yelling you to stop.


Once arrived, you kick open the door screaming and crying with your friend unconscious in your arms. The old lady stands up immediately and orders you to lay Midoriya down. Done that, you step aside to give the heroine all the space she needs to do her job.

"Oh my god, what've I done... Mom please help him, please! I can't live with another sin in my heart! " <<Is he gonna make it?>> your cracked voice is something that even Recovery Girl can't ignore.

<<Sweetheart, I need you to get out for now, he need a surgery.>>

"Eh? " <<S-surgery?! Can I stay here, please! I'll be mute and immobile! This is my fault, I want to do->>

<<(Y/N), do what I said. When he is awake, I'll call you in again.>>

A few security men escort you outside the room and stand between the door and the student. You sit on a chair not far from the study and rest the head on your jointed fingers, praying that Midoriya can heal fast.

"Those injuries are worse from the villains' accident, there's no way he recovers like before... There will be permanent damages..." <<...I'm the worst friend he could have... Even knowing this, Mom, if you're watching me, please help Izuku to get better. Stay by his side right now...>>

After a long and painful hour, Recovery Girl steps out the room to call you. During the waiting, Iida and Uraraka ran to see Midoriya too, they found you sit in a chair immobile, arms on knees, jointed hands and tears fell on the floor while your dull voice was saying the same thing in loop, "please, save him". They tried to wake you up from that trance but was impossible, so the guards explained the situation. They added that they tried to move her, but the girl was too rigid and tense, so they left her like that. Tenya and Ochako were send back, and they did that hoping that everything is gonna be ok.

<<(Y/N), sweetheart.>> the old lady calls you touching your shoulder, making you jump, <<It's ok, it's me. The boy is awake, you can see him.>>

<<R-really?>> the girl is still shocked so the heroine takes her hand and leads her next to Midoriya's bed. What she sees is the worst, his arms are blocked by the plaster clast, his leg has a cast too... Full of bandages.

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