Chapter 21

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When the shock leaves his mind, Todoroki quickly asks you worried.

<<Calling them doesn't hurt you, right?>>

"Ash Crow interacted only with Yamato... He chose Shouto as his next mate?" <<No, don't worry. Manifesting them isn't harmful for me, only Astraroth bring some damages, that's why Tenka didn't call him.>>

<<We have made some tea.>> Hakkai and Miraje serve the hot beverages, <<Kirishima-kun, Izuku-kun, Uraraka-kun, do you want to stay over?>>

<<We don't want to bother further, thank you so much.>> they aren't scared, they really don't want to disturb (Y/N), they don't know if she has more than one guest room and she needs to rest a bit, maybe next time or during summer holidays.

Ochako and Eijiro greet (Y/N) and Todoroki, thanking for the hospitality and get in the cars, Shuu and Hakkai will escort them at home, while Miraje will escort Midoriya since the boy lives near there. Lenka, Tenka and Joel leave as well, hugging you and give some pats on Todoroki's shoulder. Finally, the house is silent again. During their way back, everyone thinks hardly of what happened, your classmates think a way to avoid you to use your quirk more than the necessary, while your friends think about the letter and the fact that you didn't remember that one of your beasts were taking control over you.

For what reason? Your beasts did that just once in the past and never again... Why this time they tried to do that? Something bad is around the corner...

After a shower, you walk to your room where Shouto is under the covers. Guessing he sleeps, you move quietly and slowly, to not wake him up. Fixed the covers, turn on the stereo as always, turning off the lights, you lay your head on the pillow.


"Oh lord!" you jump a bit, wasn't he sleeping? <<Yeah?>>

<<We need to talk.>> he turns on his night lamp and sits looking at you, <<I'll be frank... I don't want that you use Fiery Sins. It's too dangerous, I can't protect you from your own powers and I don't wanna lose you. I know I'm asking the impossible, I mean, we aim to be heroes, you can't always fight with words, logic and strategies, so... Would you let me protect you from now on? Use you quirk as less as possible, I'm really scared of it...>>

<<You are scared... of me?>> those words were sharp like a knife, but you endured the shock and found the force to ask the question.

<<No, that's not what I meant. I would never fear my precious love.>> Shouto notices the mistake he did and tries immediately to erase it, <<I'm scared of what it can do to you. At the festival, you used it and... I don't even want to think about your conditions, your hands are still like that...>>

<<Recovery Girl will do the last check tomorrow, I think they healed already.>> you comment whispering, and after a pause, you speak again, <<If that is your wish, then I will grant it. I won't use my quirk again.>>

<<Wait, I expressed myself in the wrong way.>> Todoroki remembered Miraje's words and the internship, <<You can use it, but only the amount that doesn't hurt you. Like, in the cavalry battle you used it and nothing happened, that amount is fine for your health, am I right?>>

<<Yes. Actually, every form is safe to use if I respect the strength standards.>> you explain it better since he asked more information about it, <<I overcome those standards if my look changes. The color of my hair, the color of my eyes, symbols appear on my body; if you see these, I'm using that form with a new force, since I surpassed its limit. If nothing changes, then is safe for me and my health.>>

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