Chapter 1

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You two start to date thanks to the class, it was so painful to watch the strongest member of the hero course always staring at you during lectures and when you talked to him, he always ran off somewhere with a light blush on his cheeks.

Yeah, just too painful for the class to watch. Thank god you are a friendly and open-minded girl, so they talked to you programming a plan.

When classes were over, finally you managed to trap Shouto. You were waiting him outside the gates and you were clear about that he wouldn't be able to move an inch until he would talk to you. He accepted hesitantly, he knew that you were strong despite your look and he didn't want to hurt or scare you. After you two confessed to each other, the class celebrated with high-fives, and yes, they were spying and cheering all the time. Let's be honest, who doesn't, you were the perfect couple in the academy; even the other classes were shipping you with the famous Endevour's son. Both of you are educated, calm, charming, strong and smart. The-best-couple-of-all-the-times.


A few months passed already and the Sports Festival is near. You and Shouto are eating and talking about training, when Izuku, Iida and Uraraka join too. You are close to Midoriya, both of you have that little vice... Use brain too much, especially you. The class never see your quirk even once, you always won with logic; so, everyone just thought: "If she forced Bakugou to surrender with a plan, if she uses her quirk she must be super strong!".

<<Yeah, from that day, Bakugou always curses on you and never talk to you, even if is a death-life situation!>> says Uraraka remembering Katsuki's face, <<Don't let it bother you, (Y/N)-chan.>>

<<Midoriya-kun instead, started to ask so many things that you almost understand what he was saying, but I see that you get used to it quickly.>> Iida added smiling.

<<I-I'm sorry...>> Izuku apologies, <<I wanted to know how she managed to think about a plan so sophisticated in a such short time. I didn't mean to be a bother to you (Y/N)-chan.>>

<<Don't worry.>> she reassures him with a smile, <<I was only surprised, you weren't a bother, we're friends, right? Ask me everything, I'll try my best to satisfy your curiosity.>> after succeeding in her mission, she adds: <<About Bakugou-kun, I don't think he'll forgive me so easily, hehe. He's prideful, it must hurt when someone defeat you... and the big event is around the corner, I think that he'll come at me pretty angry.>> she comments while eating her food, "I'm prideful too, so I know how does it feel."

<<You don't need to worry.>> Shouto speaks with a little smile on his face, <<I believe in you. Just do your best and everything will be fine.>>

<<(Y/N)-chan, can I ask what type your quirk is?>> here we are again, <<When I think I get it, your hero costume confuse me every time.>>

<<Then my plan is working.>>

<<Eh?>> even Iida and Uraraka stop eating surprised by that answer.

<<Mph.>> Todoroki smirks a little, "This is fun."

<<Why are you laughing, Todoroki-kun?>> the green hero asks with a little blush on his face, <<You know it, right?>>

<<I don't. I didn't ask her and I honestly don't care what her quirk is.>> he answers with his calm tone, <<I love her for what she is, with a quirk or not.>>

<<S-Shouto!>> the girl hits him lightly on the shoulder and hides her face looking away, <<Geez...>>

<<The other classes think that (Y/N) is a mystery person, but look at her, she's blushing because she's not used to hear such lovely words from her beloved one yet.>> Uraraka teases you, <<Hahaha, you're so cute!>>

<<Stop it, please...>> everyone is smiling happily, even (Y/N) herself, <<By the way, I'm not telling you my quirk Izuku, I don't want you to defeat me easily during the festival, so find that out by yourself. You're scarier than everyone thinks, you know?>>

<<Midoriya-kun is scary...?>> Tenya is trying to imagine it, but it's almost impossible for him, it's Midoriya, how can he be scary, he is such a kind person, <<I think I don't understand you, (Y/N)-kun.>>

<<Yeah.>> even Izuku himself doesn't understand it, <<Beating you? Me?! That will not happen soon, so->>

<<So, you're sure to achieve that in the future?>> she's smiling and everyone understand that she is pushing All Might's pupil in the edge, <<Knowing your type, the more you see me fight, the more you get used to it. If we're talking about "adapt to-" in our class, you're the fastest.>>

<<Now that I'm thinking to it... She's right.>> whispers Iida remembering Midoriya's behavior in battles.

<<Even when he fought against Bakugou, he was prepared and he often changed the plan...>> adds the gravity girl, <<Wait, (Y/N)-chan you're analyzing people again!>>

<<Ops my bad, haha!>>

The lunch break keeps going, but Midoriya doesn't forget your words. You see him like a scary person? Why? He's sure that he did nothing bad to her, both are such good friends, oh wait, maybe she was talking about his fighting style? She's good at analyzing more than him, so she must have seen something... but what?

Like you saw a danger in your friend, you saw a change in Shouto. The more the festival is near, the more he's getting agitated and sometimes colder even with you. Of course, you don't mind it, you know his problems, he's fighting against himself, against his father, against his own quirk, but that doesn't mean that he's alone, in fact you're always by his side until he says clearly that he wants to be alone for a while, and you do as he wishes.

One day at school, he become aggressive because a student said something that pushed the wrong button, you are not here yet, so Midoriya tries to stop an imminent fight, but apparently he obtains the opposite. The guy from the Class B, is almost frozen alive and Midoriya get a punch, but we're talking about Todoroki Shouto, so obviously that will leave a huge bruise on his cheek.

The trio is scolded by the principal, Aizawa and even All Might. The student from the other class apologizes for what he did, but Shouto's apologizes sound so annoyed. While Midoriya is waiting for his turn, he decides to text you.

[(Y/N)-chan, I'm sorry but after lessons are over, would you walk at home with me?]

Your reply is immediate, thing that reassure Izuku. You're so reliable, you will be a great hero in the future.

[No problem. Everything is ok? When I'm arrived, the class was panicking. I have a wild guess, but I prefer to listen the story from your viewpoint.]

[I'm sure your guess will be right, knowing your type.]

[Hey, did you steal my-?! You supposed to be a hero not a thief!]

[Hahaha, sorry I couldn't help myself! Then, I'll leave Todoroki-kun to you.]

[See you later, Izuku.]


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