Chapter 19

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<<They arrived... Miraje's superiors again?>> whispers Joel staring at the door.

<<Those motherfuckers?! They need to leave (Y/N) alone.>> says Tenka angrily, <<They are gonna kill her one day.>>

<<Tenka.>> Shuu instead, tries to calm them down, <<Hakkai-san is here, he'll protect her, don't worry.>>

<<I won't lie, but I feel uneasy when those people come to call (Y/N). We must be with her, Hakkai-san and his wife can't go against them, but we can as the chosen ones of the beasts.>> says Lenka, <<The last time, (Y/N) almost died, they don't care about her health, they don't even understand how dangerous is her quirk. They hurt her enough for my flavors.>> he stands up to go towards the door, but Shuu blocks his way, <<They came for Ash Crow once again, we need to protect (Y/N) or she'll die. Her mom and Yamato will haunt us if we let this happens.>>

<<You noticed it too, right?>> Tenka approaches the twin and tries to move the giant from the door, <<Our (Y/N) is more violent from the last time we saw her. Move Shuu, we will protect her.>>

<<Hold on, hold on.>> Todoroki doesn't understand a single word, he just heard the name of his girlfriend, the word "die" and his brain went in blackout, <<What are you talking about? Who are these Miraje and Hakkai?>>

Seeing the reaction of the student, the others sigh and calm down. They take their time to find the right words for explaining the situation, but Todoroki presses them.

<<We spoke too much.>> says Joel, <<How much do you know about Fiery Sins?>> Midoriya hands his notebook and the man starts to read carefully, while Shuu speaks to break the silence.

<<Let's start from the beginning.>> says, <<Very often, her mother went in our orphanage to sing and play music for the children and one day, we met (Y/N). That little girl always invited us to play, having no judgments for us, quirkless people.>>

<<You are all quirkless?>> asks Kirishima politely, <<I thought it was a rare condition in this era.>>

<<The society is cruel, they think we can't do anything because we don't have powers, but living with (Y/N) for years, I'm glad I was born like this.>> comments Tenka trying to hear what you are talking about, but you are too far, <<(Y/N) taught us a lot, how to fight, how to play some instruments, but we spent only a few moments together. The reason is because she was born in a greedy house, and it started to train her to be the number one in each field. Study, knowledge, fighting... One day we went to see her, and the old men of the house won't leave her even the time to say hi to us. We waited until she was done, but when an old man was gone, another one came and begin a new training.>>

<<It got worse when her mom passed away. We barely could talk with her, but after one year, she came back to the orphanage and started to do the same things her mother did.>> continues Lenka, <<She asked us to play something for the children and her would do a show. That moment we understand how hard she worked to control her quirk, but we were naïve to think that a huge power like that wouldn't have a price to pay.>>

<<Miraje's family didn't want us because we are quirkless, but one day, (Y/N)'s beasts talked to us.>> says Joel laying the notebook on the table, <<Now we have powers, and we used them to help her with anything she was struggling, but we were naïve again. Shuu's brother, Yamato, was chosen by the Wrath beast, and.... He died 4 years ago. It was really shocking for us, but for (Y/N) was something that I can't even explain. The ribbon she has, it was Yamato's wristband, she's mirroring his hair style too. Yamato was her hero, he saved her from the darkness when she was lost, but suddenly, his light disappeared....>>

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