Chapter 48: The Hospital Arrest

Start from the beginning

The door opens. "What the.." Jacob stopped witnessing me convulsing already.

Jacob's POV

"The heck is going on with you, Emman?!" I slightly scowled maybe to myself as to the fact I'm seeing a kid convulsing right now. Emman's eyes were close, her face is paper pale as her lips are kind of shade of purple already. The sight of her is not normal and its scaring the shit out of me that i don't even know what I'm going to do. I crouch down to the bed level as i checked her temperature, placing my hand on her forehead. "Fuck!" i curse. "You're burning hot." i stated though i checked her earlier it's not like this hot. Her temperature increase times two at the moment i left her though i gave her some pills to subside it but it didn't get to lessen it.

"M--mooomm..." Emman shivering voice spoke weakly.

My heart crashed hearing it. Supposed to be that she's with her family right now. Not like this.

"Emman," I run my hands on her head, shoving some hair from her face. "Okay, i think this is the right opportunity." I said and scoped Emman's body on the bed. "I know that you're sick, we should take this time as an opportunity to get you out of here." It sounds like an advantage but a long shot though might Amy not consider us to go to the hospital. It's still impossible but i have to bring this kid at the hospital. It felt so bad seeing her like this and she doesn't even look okay. Her face is as pale as her lips are already purple. It's not a good sign though.

A glimpse on Emman's face made me realize again that i should have the courage to bring her to the hospital. she really look so awful. Like, she's a dead person already. My heart pumps violently to the thought of it. It's not good. I ran downstairs as i scoped the keys on my pocket as i still carry Emman on my arms. She's weightless unlike before i took her from their house. I feel guilty about it.

"Where do you think you're going?" The guy Amy rented to guard us blocked my way.

"We're going to the hospital. Don't you see that she's shivering." I snapped.

"No! Stay here till boss come back."
He said. "perfect! Amy's not here!" i thought mischievously to the fact it's really a perfect timing but a sad thing is not this way. Amy is away. She's somewhere, maybe plotting another crazy thing.

I stubbornly passed at him at the door as he reached my shoulder. I turned back to him. "Take your hand off of me!" I spat. "I don't want you or anyone to stop me right now." I said angrily. "or even Amy can't stop me, alright." I took a back step, noticing the face of the guy turn to be scared of my action. Not bad, he's much more a coward than me. "Don't follow me. To assure you, if Amy come back. Tell her I'll wait her at the hospital." I said and turned my back at him. I walked hurriedly. I know it's stupid to tell that i will wait for Amy at the hospital but i have a better idea.

"Okay, Emman..." I put down Emman beside the driver seat and buckle her up for a seatbelt. "Just have some patience.., we will be fine. You will be fine.." I furrowed seeing her worsen. If this will take long she will be a total patient. My goodness! I hurriedly run at the other side as i closed the door of the car. "Be still kiddo...just.."
I started the engine and zoom our way of my mid-sentence. I can't find any words to say by witnessing her like that. She's so lifeless and I'm anxiously don't know what to do. All that registering in my head is to bring her at the hospital for her to get better and no matter what i have to do it.

The drive to the hospital was a little bit bumpy. There are so many roads to be taken shortly bumpy as the area we were at is a remote one. But my patience is still on that i need to bring her securely. As we arrive at the hospital. I hurriedly run to the side and took Emman on my arms. Running my way to the emergency entrance, I didn't mind what i look like. I desperately wanted Emman to be check and cure.

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