Chapter 35: crazy psycho

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Reminder: this is still on third person's POV.

Damian slightly felt guilty about the first one to hang up the video call with Katy; after all he will never stop or get tired of loving her. Even though he's upset about Katy's being suspicious between him and Amy. He can't sleep as his mind having trouble of, what if Katy decided to get Emman again. He's in his room, silently lying on his cold bed. He sat up and decided to go to his daughter's room. Earlier, before that conversation with Katy they were here, happy to see each other as like a whole family even if it's just thru video call. Damian sat beside his daughter's bed and watched his daughter sleeping. A smile creeps on his face as he heard Emman snores softly.  He's thinking about how lucky he is now to have both special people in his life. To have Katy and Emman at his side is perfect for him. He don't want to ruin it with that just old friend and he's doing his best to let everyone else know that he's protecting whatever he had now. He moved closer to Emman and snuggled beside her.

"I love you baby. I love you and your mother." He kissed Emman temple and wrapped his arm over Emman.

He had a long day and now that he's with Emman, seeing his only reason to be strong and forget what happened today, especially to him and Katy. He then falls asleep.


"Dad!!" Emman groaned.

"Ummm...whaaat?" He replied lazily.

"Will you loosen your hug? I can't breathe here." Emman complains hoarsely.

They are still on bed. Damian refused to loosen his hug over her daughter. He's fully awake already as Emman made him wake up by its complain.

"Nope, darling. I can't." He teased.

"Daaaad!! I'm late for school!" Emman protests.

Damian open his eyes instantly, realizing it's Friday and Emman have to go to school. He let go of Emman from his tight hug and jumped off of the bed.

"Hurry up and I'll cook breakfast!" He said and headed to his kitchen.

Emman got off of her bed also and hurriedly gets in her bathroom. She was smiling to the fact she fooled her father again.

It's almost seven and her school starts at 8:30. As Emman finished cleaning and getting dressed for school, Damian shouted at the kitchen. She took the laptop and open it, bringing it with her and now calling Katy again thru video call. She knows her mother already up because Katy has to prepare for her show.

"Emman! Hurry up! You're getting—" He stop on his mid-sentence as he saw the exact time on the wall clock. "You're not getting late!" He sarcastically said.

Emman popped her head at the door, looking guilty and headed to the table to place the laptop and she settled it to where Katy can see them. Then Katy is now online while Damian is busy making breakfast.

Katy yawns, stretching. She just woke up. "Good morning sweeties!" She chirps.

"Good morning Mom!" Emman chuckled.

Katy's waiting for Damian's morning greeting but she failed. She only see Damian's back. Emman senses something is not right but instead to discussed it, she just shrugged and forget about it.

Damian turn around to Emman. "You fooled me again, Emmanuelle." Damian seriously said. Emman stared to him in straight-face with the thought that Damian used to it and now he got pissed about it.

Katy still has the suspicious thought about Damian and Amy. She then just ignored him. And Damian is still upset, both of them. The way they ignore each other like there's no one there. Every silent stare that they shoot each other made Emman thought of they are not in good terms this morning.

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