Chapter 5: The girl talks.

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Emmanuelle's POV

"Hi, Emman! So, how are you feeling today?" Doctor Alaric questioned me as he checks me up.

Four days has passed after Katy confessed to me. She's still sweet and caring to me though I'm a bit shy to her; rarely speaking to them; it's like I've been mute for days. They keep on asking me why I didn't talk to them. A shrug is just my answer.

"Emman? Are you okay?" Alaric question again.

"I ah...sorry.. I'm not listening. What is it?"

"Why aren't you talking to them? Is there something hurt in you?"

I wander my eyes in the room as everyone is watching me. Their eyes that full of concern. Gabby and Katy sat on the couch at the corner of the room while Shannon is leaning on the wall beside them;

"ah..oh...I'm okay. There's nothing wrong with me. I feel fine day by day...," I started. Fine though physically but emotionally recovering.

"...I'm not in the mood to talk then." I added.

Doc. Alaric nods in contentment. "You're healing quickly." He said enthusiastically as he slowly unwrap the bandage on my head. I winced, feeling the sting as he slightly touch it.

I looked up to him. "Can I go home, now or on the next day?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Tomorrow, you can go home." He said.

I peered at his back, staring at the three who's still in silent. I grin evilly as Katy stands up and got to sit on my bed.

"We will check your wound at your stomach before you go." Alaric said.

I run my hand on my stomach, feeling the bandage gauze wrapping on it. It's not that hurt like before, I think it's healed.

"Okay, can you check it now so that I can go home later?" I insisted.

Katy chuckled. "Eager to go home?" she said looking down at me. I nod and face Alaric again.

"Okay, I see and assume that you are totally healed and okay." He smirks.

"I'm totally okay."


"Elle!! Babes!" Aunt Jenna exclaimed as she walks towards me and hug me tightly.

"Aunt Jenn!!"

She let go off of me. "Are you ready to go home, today?" She said excitedly.

I smile widely. "Of course, I am. I'm so tired being here. This place is so...urghh.." I said in disgust.

They chuckled as everyone is in the room.

"Let's go and change your clothes." Katy said as she helped me stands up on the bed and we both headed to the bathroom of this room.

Yes, Katy and I are both okay but sometimes I feel awkward, you know it's not the same. Though, I didn't want to open up about her or us, even about my custody. Well, about that, I hear them talking while I'm pretending to sleep. Still she's my real mother but I need to know her deeply even though I knew her already, it's just months ago so still I'm going in a stage of knowing her.

"Kate?" I asked raising my arms up in the air as Katy took off my hospital gown as I'm on my underwear and revealing the bandage gauze that's still wrapped on my stomach.

"Yes, baby?" She responds sweetly.

"Now that I'm getting out of here... You can continue on your tour." I said putting on the T-shirt she handed me as I wear my pants on.

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