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I was excited for once to go to class.


Mark had asked me if I wanted to sit next to him. This time I was less suspicious and gladly agreed.

How come all your friends were so nice to me? You six had never talked to me before the group project.

I wasn't complaining, just wondering.

I saw that Mark was struggling with one of the math problems the teacher had handed out and I offered him my help.

He smiled a little embarrassed that he needed help but knew that it could only be for the best. I explained to him how he should solve it and where he had to be careful not to get it wrong.

He nodded from time to time to show me that he was listening and scribbled my explanation on the back of the sheet.

It made me happy that I could help one of your friends.

Because even though I hadn't realized it yet, you and your friends helped me already more than anyone else.

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