Chapter Fifteen: Paid in Full

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I stared up at the dark sky. I could see a few bright stars through the evergreen boughs and despite the cover the Forest brought, the moon full and its light permeated the area. It cast everything in an eerie glow, made the world seem surreal and haunting. It matched how I felt. Nothing felt right since the time check had brought me back.

I shivered slightly. I was so cold. Dying so violently always seemed to seep the warmth form the very core of my being. I was cold right through to my bones and no matter how warm Jax was, that heat did not sink into me. I could never forget that feeling, the feeling of ice overtaking the center of my being and refusing to let go. I took me a very long time to warm up after it happened, sometimes I feared I would never warm up again.

Jax's arm rested over my waist, his breath brushing over my neck. He hadn't been far from my side since he had returned from Havenbrook and found me. My chest ached at that. He had promised me I would be okay, that he would keep me safe but he had left me in the Forest, tied me to a fucking tree, and left me. Tears sprung to my eyes at the thought. There was something fucking wrong with me. Horrible things always happened to me and I didn't know why.

I turned my head to look at Jax and pain lanced my chest at the sight of his relaxed face. I wanted to cry. Everything in my life was fucked up. I just couldn't deal with it anymore, couldn't play pretend with him anymore. I slowly slipped out from underneath his arm and got to my feet. My stomach ached from the remnants of the death I had endured and I slowly started walking west. That was the direction Jax told me the town was in. I winced at that. I was so tired of people hurting me, of them breaking promises, or using me.

I trudged through the woods, keeping my eyes on the northern star, making sure I was continuing in the right direction. The night was dark but I could see by the light of the moon. I tried my best to walk quietly, trying not to alert Jax to my movements. He was asleep but I didn't trust that he wouldn't wake up and stop me from leaving.

I felt unsafe as I walked further into the forest but I pushed through it. I wasn't safe no matter where I was. I just had to continue on and push through it until I found a place I could hide from the world. Being taken from the shop had taught me a cruel lesson. The world was beautiful and magnificent but the more it appeared the way the more it would hurt you. It would tear you apart and break your heart. I hated my life in the shop but it was better than what I felt now.

Jax had lied to me. He had told me some pretty words and I had stupidly fell for them. I had foolish hopes that we could be together. That me being with him, taking that risk, meant he would do the same for me. I had thought that he would protect me and care for me and that he would want me. I was wrong. He had spun a pretty web of lies to make me comfortable so he could get his jollies off.

None of what he said was true. None of it. He was going to leave when he found his brother, was going to walk away and never look back. It fucking hurt because he had shown me this amazing and new world but would have left me in it without a guide. Just leave with a simple thank you for the sex and never think about me again.

Tears seared my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. The tears felt overly hot against my cold skin. It was always so cold. I couldn't get warm. I rubbed at my arms as I looked around. I could see a clearing ahead but I wasn't sure what it was. I looked up at the sky, picking out the northern star and reassuring myself that I was walking to the right way before I made it to the clearing.

I paused, a black top road lay in front of me and when I looked down it I could see a large sign with Havenbrook written on it with a one beside it. I slowly crept forward, making my way to the road and then walking towards the sign. I was certain that the road would lead me to where I needed to go. I wanted to see my parents, to have someone look at me and tell me it would be okay, that they would be there for me.

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