Connie x Sasha

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Levi: who are they again?

Eren: Connie and Sasha...? They were part of my training squad?

Levi: Were? Did they die?

Eren: No, not yet at least.... Umm you might know Sasha as potato girl, even tho she turned into a demon over bread....

Levi: Ohhh her... I ship it i guess, i mean who else would i ship with Sasha or Connie?

Eren: there's a thing we're Mikasa and Sasha are together, it's okay i guess. I just don't really talk with them much anymore so i can't really ship them with anyone else.

Levi: Ship has sailed... i guess?

Eren: Yeah this was a very awkward chapter.... What else do i say?

Levi: I-I don't know we usually end it with you being happy or sad depending on if i ship it or not. Author what's going on?

Author: Levi we are engaged in a battle for our nations very soul. Can you get us out of the mess we're in?

Levi: What mess? What did you do?!

Author: Erwin's plan is nothing less than government control! I've been fighting for the south alone... where have you been?!

Levi: Uh i could ask you the same thing-

Author: So what'd I miss?! What'd I miss? My gay boys I'd love to give you a kiss but i know Levi will kick my ass so never mind!

Eren: Author Why is the chapter sooo.... What's the word?

Author: Slow and not as energetic as normal?

Eren: Yep!

Author: Welp my winter break is over and I'm going back to school on Monday and i also ship them it's just, Connie and Sasha aren't huge characters to me so i kinda don't know what to say....

Levi: Writers block?

Author: Not really just, Yeah i ship it... cool... the end....

Levi: Let's end it there before we go into therapy mode!

Eren: The ship has sailed so.. Goodbye lovely readers!

A/N i tried publishing this earlier but wattpad was messing up So this should've been out a few hours ago.

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