Mikasa x Armin

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Levi: grabs Eren's collar What!? What did she say not to tell me?

Eren: A-ah I'm not supposed to say! She said she'd stop giving painkillers during and after expiriments!

Levi: Eren, you're gonna need more than painkillers if you don't tell me what she said.

Eren: H-hanji said her and Erwin had sex on your bed and never washed the sheets!!!

Levi: WhAT?! I'm gonna kill them both!

Eren: Levi wait! Wait until this part is done, then go yell at Hanji

Levi: Yeah, yeah you're right... Umm I'm not sure, I mean who does armin even like? Because I know Annie likes him, doesn't Jean like him as well? Along with Armin liking Jean back but not saying anything?

Eren: As if I know, we don't get to spend time like best friends would do anymore. But I mean, if it makes them happy I'd say go for it.

Levi: Yeah, and you know what makes me happy?

Eren blushing: Wh-what?

Levi: The thought of killing Hanji starts running

Eren: Ugh Levi! Well that ships a maybe I gotta go find Levi and help Hanji out! <3 you guys! runs off after Levi LEVI PLEASE!

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