chapter 6

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To the whatchyemacallits you will se the tattoo of D.C.'S wings when they are hidden            

I don't know how far I flew, and I didn't care. I just wanted to be free from my problems. I don't want to be the girl, the supposed chosen by my parent's killer. Actually. He got revenge for his father and killed both of mine in return. Maybe it's time to finish what my parent's started and kill Kage.

'you don't want to do that. Come on Delucia your better than this' a voice said in my head. Wait what? A voice. Umm... hello strange voice in my head who are you?

I got not answer so I called to it again. But all that I found was an empty cavern in my mind. 'Haha empty, sure'. It said, so I kept on flying ignoring the voice that obviously didn't want to answer me, when suddenly out of now where I heard this terrible ringing and stopped to cover my ears when a net came out of now where and was headed right at me. Like a dear stuck in headlights I stood, well... more like hovered, frozen as the net came straight at me and clamped onto my body, restricting my wings from keeping me in the air as I fell to the forest floor below.

Let me tell you that the descent to the floor wasn't easy. I got hit by multiple leaves, branches and I think a few bugs and birds flew into me and swatted my face. I got scratched, bruised and battered and when the ground finally came into view I landed onto it with full force knocking the wind out of me.

"Oowww" I moaned as I lay on the moss-covered floor.

"well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like we caught ourselves a pretty fairy." Someone remarked, and I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was staring at my back, where I hid my wings in a form of a tattoo "What do you think boys?" a deep voice asked. There were a series of agreements that accompanied the strange voice.

"come out and stop hiding like a bunch of coward's! what're you afraid of a little girl?" I yelled wanting to know who the voice and murmurings belonged to.

"ohh lookie here. The fairies got a mouth on her boys. Girlie if I was afraid of you then I wouldn't even be here right now." The strange voice answered me stepping out of the shadows of the trees along with his accomplices'. 

The strange man was accompanied with a few other men. Not just any men, but hunters. A hunter is basically an assassin. They kill wolves for their fur and fangs, fairies for their wings. They kill mer people for their tails to put up on their walls as trophies and humans for their power. But instead of killing them, they hold them captive and make them do the hunters bidding. Hunters are sick people who only work for themselves.

When this man stepped out of the shadows I started thrashing around like there's no tomorrow. His accomplices took off the net that was restricting my movement and grabbed onto my arms making we face the man. He had chocolate brown hair and dark onyx eyes. He was of strong build with rippling muscle every step he took coming closer to me. He had a scar coming from the top left-side of his forehead going across his broken nose, on an angle and stopped on the right-side of his head right under his ear.

The man that stepped out of the shadows was name Olcay. I mean don't get me wrong it might not sound like a name for a conqueror, but this man- no beast- in front of me killed numerous people from all the clans, he kills for fun, he is the centre of all nightmares and is the equivalent to the boogie man. Main point. He's a very bad person.

"not so big- mouthed now? Are you little fairy?" Olcay asked and laughed with sick, twisted mirth. "unlucky for me, I have to take you to my client, or else things will not turn out so good for me."

"and who is your client Olcay? Is it mommy? Because I remember last time, mommy and I got on very well. Don't you?" I asked feigning innocence.

"SHUT UP!!" Oclay roared.

"OR WHAT?" I roared back with as much sass as I could conjure. Suddenly, I felt an intense burning sensation on my right cheek, snapping my head to the side. He slapped me. He freaking slapped me!

Turning my head back to face him he spat, "never dare to talk to me like that least you find yourself six feet underground. And I-"

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, causing him to writhe on the ground, "you see Oclay, I know that you are a man that is on a mission and doesn't play with his prey. So, I know for a fact that I'm not your prey to play with. Now do me a favour and let's cut the chit chat so that you can take me to the person who hired you to kidnap me and have a nice life so we never have to see each other again." I said in my best sickly-sweet voice staring down at him as he was staring up at me like I'm all the evil in the world.

Oclay slowly stood up and drew a fist back looking ready to give me a beating that I would not soon forget when a man with greasy hair put they're had on his shoulder saying, "I suggest that you don't hit the girl again. My boss would kill you to see a scratch on her pretty little body." As he was saying this to Oclay, he was eying me up and down making me try to lash out at them again.

How dare he look at us like that! We are not food! I thought with distaste. "Well, maybe boss wouldn't mind us having a bit of fun with her before we give her to him." The strange man said looking at particular areas on my body for longer than necessary. This filled me up with so much rage that when I lashed out a third time I finally succeeded and tackled him to the ground, punching him in the face yelling, "YOU EVEN DARE TRY TO TOUCH ME, I WILL RIP OUT YOUR TESTICALS ONE BY ONE, AND HAND FEED THEM TO YOU! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!"

The other people holding me finally got me off the greasy haired man and as he stood up he punched me in my jaw and said, "I can do whatever I want and nobody can stop me. Especially not- "

"Especially nor who, Shane?" someone from behind me asked, and everyone froze in place, terror filling all their faces.

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