Chapter 4

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"who are you and what are you talking about? I don't have any family. I'm an orphan." I replied with sass. Obviously, this person is mentally crazy and needs help.

"oh, come now. Don't tell me you don't remember your older brother little sis?" I just stood there dumbfounded at this crazy person making ridicules accusations. So, I just crossed my arms and gave him a look saying, "prove it."

"okay you want proof, then I will give you proof. There is a birth mark on your neck shaped as a waning crescent moon." When he said this I subconsciously touched the back of my neck and he continued "I also know that when I was 12, I took my baby sister to the back door of a mansion only a couple of meters away. And as I put her at the back door, I placed this dagger with her in her crib. You see, this dagger, it runs in the family and only people of our bloodline are able to truly wield it." He said holding up enchanted. Slowly I approached him, making slow movements closer to my friends that were lying on the floor by his feet our eyes on a fierce staring competition. Only when I reached my friends did I slowly kneel down, brake eye-contact and check to make sure that they were okay.

"Again. Who are you? And what do you want?" I asked again, but this time with a little more venom in my voice.

"Oh. Right. I'm Jet and I came to take you back. You see when I was 12 I was too young to take care of you so I took you to that mansion to make sure you were taken care of. But by the looks of your back before you jumped into the lake, that plan didn't work out that well." He said, answering my questions.

Suddenly, a loud screeching sound was heard not too far from where they were, meaning it was coming from the mansion. "Shittuckymushrooms" said D.C. as she turned to Jet she continued, "look, I will give you one chance. You break my trust you should remember my wise words of hell hath no fury like a woman's trust broken and pissed about it. Now, help me get these people on something so we can carry it away"

"okay deal, but what's the rush? Shouldn't we wait for them to wake up instead, making it easier for us to just walk out of here." He said looking at all our friends on the floor.

I stood up and looked him right in the eye saying, "listen Jet. Do you hear that alarm screeching from not too far from here?" he nodded giving me the que to continue, "that alarm is from the so-called mansion that you dropped me off of years ago. It is signalling everyone in it to tell them that not only I, but also Quinn and Ash here have run away. You want to know what happens when they find us? Well, let me tell you. Quinn, Ash, you, your friends and I will not only be dragged back to the place that I call prison, but we will be given lashes from poisoned whips, then thrown in the dungeons, they will leave us there till we are almost at the door of death, then finally feed us. After that they will tie chains to our ankles and wrists and give us twice as much chores as we already have and practically tie a guard to our hips to make sure that we do not run again."

Finally getting the memo Jet started helping me tie everyone with a long vine that we found near one of the trees. When we finished, he turned to me and said, "what now?"

"now you let me work my magic" I replied as I hovered my hands over the pile of people on the floor. Suddenly, I heard the alarm stop and footsteps approach. "hey Jet. You hear that?" when he nodded I continued "those are the footsteps of the people that are out looking for us. Do you think you can lead them away from here and set them on a false trail while I get these guys in the air please?" Jet nodded and headed off in a direction away from the lake.


After a while I got nugget 1, Ash and nugget 2 into the air. As I was getting Quinn into the air I they started waking up. Groggily the guys started to mone but I just shushed them an whispered "be quiet, least you want the guards from the mansion to come here and not only take the girls and I back, but you as well. Now can one of you contact Jet and tell him to come back so we can get going. I wouldn't- "

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