I looked rushingly back and see Jaemin in the floor, lifelessly bleeding in his back head and saw an unfamiliar figure behind him. I looked up at it and saw a smirking wicked woman with black clothings, with a black color of her lips making me guess that she wasnt just an ordinary woman in front of me.

Real witches do exists.

"So you are the lover." She laughed wickedly.

"What did you do to our friends!" I shouted, balling my fist in.

"I've been looking for them, more like a hunt because their time were already done." She smiled, but i found it really bad.

"What are you talking about?!" I almost screamed.

Then, i saw her touching her sharp long black nails in her hands and stared at me.

"The contract have expired. The tale is already done. And their souls and voices will be mine!" She said as she picked Jaemin into his collar so i stepped in.

"Stay away from my friend! What do you want ha?" I snorted angrily.

She stared at me in the longest silence, like observing me. The fear creep up of me.

Tears began to drip down of my eyes. I dont know, im not crying, but im trembling.

What if something happened to them? To Haechan?

She smirked again. "Ill give a month to find where they are. Ill give you 30 days to check on where they might are. Ill give you 720 hours to listen. To your beats." She said as she throw me Jaemin's almost lifeless body.

And i remained confused and literally dumbfounded.

Listen .. to my beats?

Until i saw her with my eyes, how she floated in air and gone with her magical black shadow. I dont know.

Then, i heard Jaemin groaned.

"J-jaemin!" I shooked his shoulders until his eyes opened up.

"I-i feel .... Dizzy." He groaned.

"Ill bring you to hospital, okay?" Then, i stand up and tried to carry him down off stairs. We took a cab fastly into the hospital and waited for the doctor's words.

I sat in the chairs near his room while thinking back that previous happenings lately.

What is that woman trying to say? Is Haechan's in danger? Are they fine? Are they still alive?

I want to calm myself. But myself wouldn't want to stay calm.

I need to see Haechan alive.

After few minutes, the doctor went out and we talked.

"Your friend is already okay. Its just a little wound in his back head, but it didn't reached his skull. Good thing you bring him this early." He said.

"Alright, thanks. Ill just call his parents, sir." I said and picked my phone out and tried calling his mother.

It went like a flash and when Jaemin's mom arrived i already took a cab off home.

As i was getting inside my room, i saw Koeun's room was closed. So i think she gone for somewhere.

So instead getting inside my room, i went in there. I tried opening it up and it opened, but she wasnt in there.

I get in, trying to check if something is wrong inside, or is she just showering inside her bathroom but she wasnt. Until i heard Jeno's familiar chuckled across his room.

So i went out and check on his room. The door was widely open so that i went in and so him standing nearby his bed, topless.

Then, i found it weird when i noticed that his shower was running due to its sound inside which is really heard inside.

"Jeno?" I called and so he looked back. And he looked at me, quiet surprised.

"H-hey!" He chuckled a bit.

I went in. I just noticed that his hair was kinda wet, like he just had taken his shower.

"Why is your shower still running in?" I asked suspecting.

"Ah- ow that? I-i think, i just forget to turn it off! Wait!" Then, he run abruptly inside his bathroom without my words.

I shooked my head while smiling. Jeno is an idiot that always forgetting things around.

I was about to go out of his room when something caught my eyes.

I kneeled down when i saw a pair of pink underwears near his night table.

Did Jeno already bring a girl in our dorm? I didnt saw him dating one. Is he-


The scent of the pieces were familiar. I mean, i didnt smell it but the scent came up automatically into my sense because of the aircon too.

And that smell was really familiar.

This is so impossible.

I automatically run into Koeun's room and opened her cabinet of her clothes and undies, and the same scent abruptly came into my sense of smelling.

So what is the meaning of that?

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