10| Alone With Him

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Luke asked out of a sudden, taking me by surprise. I didnt expect him here at all. I blinked a few times before looking up and catching up to what was going on. He wasn't wearing a shirt, making my heart stop and stare at his six-pack. My goodness, this just increased my heartbeat all over again! I tried to breathe but it was stuck in my throat. I snapped out of it slowly, looking up at his face. God he was gorgeous. I inhaled a deep breath as I took in his beauty once more. Wait, what did he say?

"Uh, yeah, I'm- I'm fine. Why?" I asked him, stuttering on the way as I saw him checking me out slowly from head to toe. I became more body-conscious and shifted from one foot to another in hopes of him stop staring. He gulped and looked up at me into my eyes with a different expression in them. It looked like lust, but they quickly changed into something more like sympathy. They became a darker color, making me furrow my eyebrows. These creatures were sure very interesting. It amazed me at how they could do that. Immediately the guard from my first night here came to my mind. How his eyes became golden, as well as Ysabelle's.

"Were you crying? Did something happen?" He asked, panic in his voice. His tone drew me out of my thoughts. Crying, what? No. When I didn't answer, he took my answer as a yes. His eyes widened and went straight to look at my ankle, which was not touching the floor for obvious reasons. I gripped the door tighter, hoping he would leave. I didn't like the idea, but the way he was looking at me made me think he wanted to help me.

"Are you hurt?" He asked impatiently once again while scanning my face for an answer. I just blinked, not knowing what to answer. I noticed he has walked closer, our faces were closer, making me take a step back. I became flustered and looked at this shoulder instead of his face, not wanting to become distracted again.

"I'm fine. My eyes got irritated from the soap, that's all." I lied, looking at his fine chest instead of his eyes, finding it rather sculptured and having me think what it would feel like to sleep on him. A sign that I'm lying: I don't look someone in the eyes. But he doesn't know that.

"I thought I heard you scream. My room is next to yours, so..." He paused, trying to not look at my body, which was still wrapped up with a towel. Water drops were running down my neck, but I didn't want to distract him again. My eyes almost widened at his comment. It couldn't be possible. All my screams were muffled by my hands, he couldn't possibly hear that. What? How could he? Or could he really? I am going to need to know what kind of abilities werewolves have. Hot werewolves, should I add. Stop it! I facepalmed myself mentally, what am I thinking now?! No, bad Risie. You can't think of him that way.

"As I said, it was just the soap," I paused, looking up at him, "it always burns" I added half-truthfully in a true, yet indirect way. I didn't really specify what.

"Lunch will be almost ready," he added, changing the conversation softly before turning around and walking into his room. He looked troubled and didn't dare to hide it. He looked concerned and I just hope I didn't raise any more questions.


Lunch came and went but Ethan didn't come out of his room yet since we got back. I was now lying on my bed, wondering how long he was going to ignore me or his family for the matter. I stood up and walked to the dressing table, opening the top drawer, and taking out a small notebook with a pen and writing a small note. At least he would read me if he doesn't want to see me. He had no other choice.


I walked out and stood in front of his room, which was across from mine. I hope the humor would lighten up his source mood. I threw the piece of paper under his door and knocked once before hurriedly going back into my room, shutting the door behind me as silent and fast as possible. With my heartbeat clear in my ears, I placed my ear on the door and listened carefully as a door was opened, his, and closed again. I let out a relieved sigh and tried to calm my breathing.

Eirisse & The Witches of Luciferina BOOK I ✔[Slow Editing]Where stories live. Discover now