Chapter 12: The Book

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Storybrooke, psychiatric hospital,

Belle looked up at the boy who was standing in front of her. He called himself "Baelfire" as in the book she had read. Baelfire however was not a common name, and this coincidence had Belle intrigued. Could this be the same boy from her book? Just this thought alone had her wondering is this hospital getting to her head?

-Are you okay? Asked the boy.

Belle then realized she probably looked troubled, and tried to resume a normal expression.

-Yes I'm okay, as she tried to hide her astonishment. It's just that Baelfire is not a very common name.

-It is where I come from, he replied.

-Oh really? And where are you from Belle asked.

-If I told you, you would never believe me and think I was crazy, and this is the reason I am here

-Please tell me, you can trust me, Belle reassured.

Baelfire hesitated, but there was something about Belle that made him say what came next:  "I just.....I come from another realm. A realm where magic exists"

Belle said nothing, nodding her head as she continued to listen.

-This Realm that I come from, I was the son of a very powerful dark wizard, he is better known as the Dark One.

As Belle felt the blood drain from her face, her look became serious. Belle's mind was whirling at the moment, this young man locked in here, was he the young Baelfire from her book? She felt she was really going in insane.

-It's a setup, it has to be! She said aloud. "Regina is the one who told you to say these crazy things to me! She read my book!"

-No not at all, I dot not know what you are talking about, but keep your voice down, otherwise they will take you back to your room, he said trying to calm Belle.

Realizing people were starting to look at her, she calmed down

-Why do you say this is a setup? Baelfire asked. Intrigued by her reaction, as he expected her to make fun of him, or think he was crazy as everyone else has done when he tried to tell his story. But her reaction was completely different.

Belle replied "we had to have read the same book, the same book that is making us both go crazy!" She said, trying to come up with an explanation for this.

-A book? What book? Asked Baelfire.

-A book I had with me, that just appeared to me and I don't know the origin of where it came from, and the story you just told me, it is part of the book!

-Do you have it with you?

-No, well I don't know anymore, as I do not remember anything about my arrival here!

-Maybe it is in with your personal belongings. You should go ask the receptionist, Baelfire said.

-But why are you so interested in this book? Belle asked.

-Because that book, its mine...


Dark Castle,

Belle was busy dusting the shelves smiling to herself, wondering about all the strange object in the large dining room. Ever since Rumple had declared his love for her, she never felt so happy! She was living a fairy tale. Rumple entered the room with an armful of fresh cut wood, walking stick in the other hand. He put down the bundle of wood, and walked over to Belle, who was continuing her dusting, with her brilliant smile. He walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist pulling her in towards him, as he gave a kiss on her neck, he whispered, "you know you are not my servant anymore, and you are not forced to do housework my love."

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