Chapter 5: Lair of the Beast

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Belle went downstairs, holding a bag in her hands. She went to Granny's dining room. Scarlett was trying to organize the tables for lunch, while Granny was behind the counter, wiping some glasses. She walked to the counter.
-Excuse me Granny, but do you know where I could find Mr. Gold?
-Mr. Gold? Granny repeated, surprised. Well, he must be at the same place as usual.
-Uh ... what do you mean?
-He manages an antiques shop at the end of the avenue on the left. She said while wiping her glasses.
-Thank you!
The woman rushed to the exit joyfully.
-Wait! Granny shouted. Belle who was about to cross the threshold of the door turned back toward Granny.
-A piece of advice, do not accept any deal he might want to sign with you.
Belle was surprised by Granny's "advice". A deal? Why was she speaking about a deal? She did not want to see him to make a deal.
-Uh, yes. I will think of it. Belle replied, a little bit confused by the remark of the old woman.
She left the restaurant, walked along the avenue and looked for the said antiques shop in town. She finally reached the end of the avenue and saw a sign with "Mr Gold pawnbroker" written on it. She looked through the window of the shop. The place looked quiet. She opened the door on which the "open" sign appeared.
The bell rang. Mr. Gold was in the back room when he heard her. He put the object down he was repairing. He took his cane and lifted the curtains that separated the two rooms to greet his potential client. He was surprised to discover the beautiful young woman he had escorted last night. He did not expect to see her this quickly. He would of never thought she could come to see him in his shop. He drove her to Granny's the previous night, because he knew she would take care of her. But he also knew that the old lady did not appreciate him that much, like all the inhabitants of that city, and that, therefore, she would have warned the young woman. Nevertheless, she stood there, right before him, looking intimidated, but happy nonetheless.
-Hi! Belle said
The voice of the young woman brought him back to reality.
-Hello, he replied, not knowing what else to say.
-I am the woman you ... Belle hesitated a moment before continuing. "Saved last night."
Mr. Gold was surprised by the word she had just used. It was the first time he was told that he had saved someone.
-Yes, I recognized you, he said with a slight smile.
Belle also smiled.
-I wanted to thank you for intervening last night. Had you not been there, I'd rather not think of what would have happened.
Mr. Gold looked down to avoid the young woman's stare. He was not used to being thanked. And he did not know what to say.
-Oh, I almost forgot, I came to bring your jacket back.
She handed him the bag containing the jacket.
-Thanks a lot, he answered while grabbing the bag.
-No, it is I who really needs to thank you, really! Mr. Gold seemed more and more surprised by this young woman. But perhaps she is trying to look good to use him when it would suit her, he thought. He always exercised caution with everybody. He did not trust anyone. And yet, within the young woman's blue eyes, Mr. Gold could not help but seeing honesty and sincerity shine through.
-And who am I speaking to? he asked.
'I'm Belle. I'm new here. I arrived a few days ago. My story is a little bit complicated.
Gold kept listening. The young woman did not know how to continue the conversation.
-See you soon' said Belle with a smile.
He watched her walk away, open the door that made the bell ring again.
-Wait! he said.
She stopped short and turned to him.
-I ... he began.
He did not even know what he really wanted to say. But he did it all the same.
"So you lost your job... after last night's incident?
Belle was surprised at his question.
-Uh yes. But it's better this way. I'll find something else.
-I am looking for someone to help me in the shop. To dust off the shelves, or even educate customers for example. If you are interested.
Belle was stunned by his proposal. But she suddenly remembered Granny's "advice". Should she accept this proposal? She didn't know. Maybe she should talk to Granny. She preferred to think about it before accepting anything. She already had a bad experience with her first job, and she did not want another incident.
-I need to think about it,' said Belle.
The face of Mr. Gold then lost his enthusiasm. But he tried not to show it, and he continued in the same tone.
-Yes, I understand. The shop opens at a quarter past eight, tomorrow morning. If you show up, you will be taken. And if you do not come, I would deduce that you declined my offer, and I would respect your decision.

Once she arrived at Granny's, Belle went upstairs. She laid on the bed and thought about this proposal. Should she talk to Granny? Should she agree to work with the man who frightened all the inhabitants of this city? She did not know what to do. Then she thought about her accident, why was she in Storybrooke. What was she doing here? Nobody knew her in this city, so why would she come here? If only she could recover her memory. She took her book and continued her exciting read.


The years passed and Rumplestiltskin felt increasingly lonely without his son. He had tried all kinds of magic, all the spells that could exist to bring it back but in vain. He wanted a magnificent castle, thinking that material possessions could console his sorrow. But all the wealth of the world would not have sufficed to fill that huge void in the heart of Rumple. This loss had terribly affected him. It made him bitter. His magic had become even darker, more violent. Nothing could stop him. He had no one to love. People from surrounding villages had nicknamed the lost castle, the castle of darkness. A place that nobody dared to approach for fear of crossing the Dark One.
But one day, a messenger brought him a message begging him to protect the Kingdom Avonlea from the Ogres War. Rumpelstiltskin saw an opportunity to make a deal and he went to the lord's castle. There, he was welcomed as a beast who could not be trusted, but that was still their only hope. The Lord therefore proposed, in exchange for protection, to pay in gold. But Rumple did not want gold. He could make gold himself. During their interview, he had noticed the presence of a young woman. He proposed a price: the young woman in exchange for protection. The Lord objected. He would not give his daughter up to this beast. Rumpelstiltskin was about to leave when the young woman decided nevertheless to go with the beast, against the will of her father.
-It is forever dearie, Rumple whispered in her ear.
-I accept if you protect my kingdom. She replied.
-Deal! You won your war. He said to the Lord, with a sarcastic laugh.
-Belle! shouted her father.
But it was too late. Rumple made the young woman and himself disappear, in a cloud of red smoke.

Once in the castle, he locked up the girl in a dungeon in the highest tower of the castle. She was now his prisoner. Sentenced to remain in the service of the beast until the end of her days.
Rumple knew exactly what she thought of him. He was a monster. But he needed someone to take care of his vast castle. He would not have thought that the young woman would have voluntarily accepted. He, nevertheless, thought her brave. But he wanted to be respected. And for him the only way was to frighten her so she would obey.
As for her, Belle cried whenever she thought of her father who would never see her again She felt terribly alone, and she had no idea what the Beast was going to do with her. But she told herself she had sacrificed this for her kingdom. And no matter what happened to her, she acted as a hero. Exhausted, she fell asleep on the small bench that was her only bed. And the sun gradually set, until darkness settled over the Castle of Darkness.

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