Chapter 7: The library

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The days went by, and Belle enjoyed herself more and more in this vast castle. It was perhaps not the life she had always dreamed of, but it was not as bad as she had thought. She spent her days cleaning, preparing meals, and admiring the birds outside the window when her master was not there. But Rumpelstiltskin was often there. He spent his days at his spinning wheel, spinning wool, and turning it into gold. One day, the young woman, intrigued, asked him why he was spinning. He replied that it was to forget the melancholy. Belle could see he was not as bad as he seemed. The other day, while cleaning in one of the many rooms of the castle, she found children's clothing, preciously conserved. She wondered to whom they could belong to. Rumple was not very talkative with her. So one morning, while he was at his wheel and spinning, and she was dusting off and his trinkets, she decided to try to talk to Rumple.

-Why did you want me to come with you?

-The palace was nasty.

Belle did not really believe him.

-I think you felt lonely. She replied. "Any man would feel lonely here."

-But I'm not a man, he said, avoiding her gaze.

She took a chair and sat next to him. Rumple was surprised. It was rare to see anybody come close to him voluntarily.

-The other day when I was cleaning one of the bedrooms upstairs, I saw the clothes of a small size. They looked like children's clothes. These clothes, they were yours? Or maybe your son's?

The face of the Dark One seemed filled with sadness.

-They were my son's indeed. He replied. But I lost him and his mother. Forever.

-I am so sorry.

After a moment of silence, Belle continued.

-So you were a man before. You had a family. You were not always like this.

He did not reply, keeping his head down and eyes fixed to the floor. Belle thought it was best to stop the conversation, and she put the chair back in its place.

-And you, why did you agree to come with me? The Dark One asked.

Belle turned to him. She thought for a moment before saying:

-For heroism, I guess. Where I live, women have no great importance. At least I would be useful here.

-But you surely have something you enjoyed doing? Rumple asked.

-I would have liked to discover the world. But neither here or in my kingdom would I be able to. So I escape through books. I really like reading.

Rumple listened attentively. Belle bowed her head, regretting the books she had left behind. Books she would never see again.

-All of this belongs to the past. Cleaning calls me.

She took her feather duster, ready to continue.

-Belle! Rumple said.

She turned to him. Looking hesitant, he stood up, "You ... you'll put two plates tonight. "

-Are you expecting someone? She asked, surprised.

-No ... well, I mean ... the second plate will be for you.

He's inviting me to dinner at his table, Belle though. She had been here for a month, it was the first time they would eat together.

-Only if you agree, Rumple added.

-Yes, with pleasure, Belle replied, smiling.


-Hello !

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