Chapter 9: For the Love of Beauty

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The next day when belle arrived at Mr. Gold's Shop, he was still bothered by the incident that she had attended last night. He was even less talkative than usual that morning.

- Can I help you with anything Belle asked, who had just finished their regular duties.

No, it will go, he said. As twelve o'clock approached, he advised him to take his lunch break. As for lunch, she would eat at Granny. As for him, he remained in his shop. Nice then put on his coat. She was about to leave, when she turned to Gold.

-Would you like to go to eat with me at Granny's?

-Sorry ? he said, pretending not to have understood what the woman had said.

'I thought we could eat together, instead of eating each in his corner. Granny make delicious cheeseburgers. She said with a smile.

Mr. Gold was never at Granny. Probably because everyone hated there, and he had no interest in going there. But first, someone invited. Even if he had not really wanted to go, he said he could not refuse the invitation of the young woman. He accepted, to the delight of Belle.

They both exited the shop. Along the way, the man of the day that was to pay its debt, accosted Mr. Gold.

-I will have your money tomorrow. I promise you, I'll pay you without fail, I beg of you must believe me! The man looked panicked.

-You know what ? Gold began.

The man got scared and he stepped away from the antique dealer. Belle watched as she wondered what Gold was about to do.

-I do you gift this month. He said finally.

-How? The man could not believe his ears. He was unable to speak.

Belle could not help to laugh at the reaction of the man. Gold and went on their way.

-You made the right decision. She said.

Gold then looked at the young woman.

-You are a good man, you have goodness in you. She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Gold was surprised by her reaction. Meanwhile flashes came back to him. He saw a woman hug him without seeing his face. The vision lasted a very short time. Nice seeing that he was troubled, asked him if he was okay. Gold nodded, and they continued their journey. She could tell he was not used to being touched. She hoped it had not shocked.

They finally arrived at Granny. Belle went in first and opened the door joyfully. Gold followed. All eyes then turned to them, especially Mr. Gold. The latter felt terribly uncomfortable. They both sat down at a table. Granny came to bring them the menu, frowning to Gold, then went back to the counter while watching the corner of my eye.

-I had a dispute with her, a few years ago. He said. "She does not like me that much, just like most of the people here".

-It's because they do not know you well, replied Belle.

Gold then looked the young woman. Her face was so perfect. Her eyes of a sparkling blue still gave more sincerity in what she had said. Her brown hair brought out her light complexion, looked like an angel, thought Gold. An angel fallen from the sky.

They ordered room, then Granny came to serve, always looking askance at Mr. Gold.

-Tell me about you Belle. What brought you here? I do not recall seeing you around before. He asked the young woman.

-Yes that's right. I'm not there long. To be honest, I do not know who I am. My earliest memory are a night ago. I remember in the middle of a road, making me hit by a car. Then I woke in a hospital, being told I am in a town called Storybrooke.

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